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Alvaro M. Huerta

Associate Professor in Urban & Region Planning and Ethnic & Women’s Studies, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona

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About Alvaro

Huerta's research focuses on the intersecting domains of community & economic development, Chicana/o & Latina/o studies, immigration & Mexican diaspora, social movements, social networks, and the informal economy. Overarching themes in Huerta's writings include public policy, (re)framing and racial/class (in)equality. Huerta serves in many capacities regarding civic engagement activities, from being a public intellectual to working directly with grassroots groups.

In the News

Opinion: "The Right to Ethnic Studies in Higher Education," Alvaro M. Huerta, Inside Higher Ed, May 15, 2020.
Opinion: "A Chicano Mathematics Contender?," Alvaro M. Huerta, Inside Higher Ed - Conditionally Accepted, April 15, 2019.
Opinion: "A Call for Latinx Faculty Members," Alvaro M. Huerta, Inside Higher Ed, December 21, 2018.
Interviewed in "Street Vending May Be Legal in Los Angeles by Summer's End," NPR Marketplace, June 22, 2018.
Opinion: "Viva the Scholar-Activist!," Alvaro M. Huerta, Inside Higher Ed, March 30, 2018.
Opinion: "No Deal on 'Shithole' Border Wall," Alvaro M. Huerta, Latino Rebels, January 26, 2018.
Opinion: "Demanding a Clean DACA Bill, Now!," Alvaro M. Huerta, Huffington Post, January 15, 2018.
Opinion: "A Chicana/o Manifesto on Community Organizing: Reflections of a Scholar-Activist," Alvaro M. Huerta, Huffington Post, August 19, 2017.


"Looking Beyond "Mow, Blow, and Go": A Case Study of Mexican Immigrant Gardeners in Los Angeles" Berkeley Planning Journal 20 (2007): 1-23.

Seeks to provide a more holistic picture of the dynamic workforce of paid gardeners. Documents how this industry operates and its social organization. Demonstrates how a select group of self-employed, Mexican gardeners function as petty-entrepreneurs, benefiting in the informal economy by successfully utilizing their social capital.

People of Color in the United States: Contemporary Issues in Education, Work, Communities, Health, and Immigration (edited with Kofi Lomotey, Pamela Braboy Jackson, Muna Adem, Paulina X. Ruf, Valire Carr Copeland, Norma Iglesias-Prieto, and Donathan L. Brown) (ABC-CLIO, 2016).

Examines a wide range of issues that affect people of color in America today, covering education, employment, health, and immigration. Enables students to better understand the experiences of of racial and ethnic minorities as well as current social issues and policy.

"Reframing the Latino Immigration Debate: Towards a Humanistic Paradigm" (San Diego University Press, 2013).

Asks readers to reassess critical political and cultural issues unfolding along the U.S./Mexico border. Provides a ground-up view of the most pressing issues facing a nation of immigrants.

"South Gate, CA: Environmental Racism Defeated in a Blue-Collar Latino Suburb" Critical Planning 12 (2005): 92-102.

Details a successful fight for environmental justice in South Gate, which focuses on a proposed 550-megawatt power plant.

"Formation of a Latino Grassroots Movement: The Association of Latin American Gardeners of Los Angeles Challenges City Hall" (with Alfonso Morales). Aztlán: A Journal of Chicano Studies 39, no. 2 (2014): 65-93.

Discusses one of the most dynamic grassroots campaigns by Latino immigrants in recent history and the creation of the Association of Latin American Gardeners of Los Angeles.