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Alyssa Basmajian

Postdoctoral Research Associate, Brown University

Connect with Alyssa

About Alyssa

Basmajian’s research focuses on the political and social tensions surrounding reproductive health in the United States. Overarching themes in Basmajian’s writings include abortion or full spectrum doula care, reproductive justice, and the impacts of inequitable healthcare access. Basmajian serves as an organizer and facilitator for an international and interdisciplinary graduate student writing group. Basmajian has received the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (NSF-GRF) and the National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant (NSF-DDRIG) to support her dissertation research investigating doulas and the abortion care they provide.

In the News

Interviewed in "Intro to Abortion Doulas," (with Michele Ko) Full Spectrum Doula Circle, November 14, 2018.


"The Promise and Peril of Mobile Phones for Youth in Rural Uganda: Multimethod Study of Implications for Health and HIV" Journal of Medical Internet Research 23, no. 2 (2021).

Maps out the barriers and possibilities for mobile phone health programs in Rakai, Uganda.

"Abortion Doulas: Changing the Narrative" Anthropology Now 6, no. 2 (2014): 44-51.

Describes how abortion doulas strive to move beyond the highly polarizing rhetoric of pro-choice and pro-life narratives.