
Alyssa Lederer

Assistant Professor of Public Health, Tulane University

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About Alyssa

Lederer is a behavioral scientist and health education specialist. Lederer’s focuses on the design and evaluation of programs that aim to enhance the health of adolescents and emerging adults, particularly in school and collegiate settings. Much of her research has been on young people’s sexual health, physical activity, and nutrition, especially the intersection of health education and behavior change. Lederer also works to identify the most effective ways to prepare the future public health workforce. Lederer is a leader in the American College Health Association, including serving as the immediate past Chair of the Health Promotion Section.

In the News

Opinion: "Don’t Rely on Student Contracts to Safeguard Your Campus," Alyssa Lederer, Inside Higher Ed, September 18, 2020.
Research discussed by "Who Says Your Kids Don’t Listen to You?," Science Daily, November 17, 2014.