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Andrea Benjamin

Associate Professor of African American Studies, University of Oklahoma-Norman Campus
Director, Oklahoma Scholar-Leadership Enrichment Program (OSLEP)
Chapter Leader: Oklahoma SSN
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About Andrea

Benjamin's research interests include Race and Politics, Local Elections and Voting Behavior, and Public Opinion. Benjamin serves on the Editorial Board of Urban Affairs Review and Political Research Quarterly.


The Impact of Endorsements in Racially Mixed Elections

No Jargon Podcast

In the News

Opinion: "Reform Movements Can’t Last Without Hope. The Chauvin Jury Gave Us Some," Andrea Benjamin, The Washington Post, April 21, 2021.
Quoted by Michael Hobbes in "Partisanship Is Making Americans Vote for Things They Don’t Actually Want," Huffpost, November 12, 2020.
Opinion: "Polls Show Strong Support for the Protests — And also for how Police Handled Them," Andrea Benjamin, The Washington Post, June 11, 2020.


"Racial Coalition Building in Local Elections" (Cambridge University Press, 2017, paperback 2017).

Examines racial and ethnic coalition building in local elections and considers Black and Latino political incorporation more broadly. Discusses how, although many argue that Black and Latino voters have much to gain from alliances that advance shared interests, coalitions between the two groups have not always formed easily or been stable over time.

"Coethnic Endorsements and Perceptions in Local Elections" Urban Affairs Review (2016).

Analyzes how Black and Latino voters support coethnic candidates at high rates in local elections. Posits that when race and ethnicity become salient in a campaign, endorsements from Black and Latino leaders and organizations increase support of out-group candidates among Blacks and Latinos.

"Picking Winners: How Political Organizations Influence Local Elections" (with Alexis Miller). Urban Affairs Review (2017).

Analyzes why endorsements have become a part of most election cycles. Provides insight into the process of how organizations and newspapers endorse candidates, provides evidence that demonstrates candidates believe these endorsements are important, and tests the claim that voters are aware of these endorsements even when controlling for factors such as partisanship, ideology, and education.