Arturo Baiocchi
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About Arturo
Dr. Baiocchi’s research focuses on vulnerable young adults, mental health and homelessness. He also has interests and teaches in the area of social welfare policy, race and inequality, and community-based research. Dr. Baiocchi has over ten years of experience conducting various program and policy evaluations related to these topics, including assessments of supportive housing and other housing first interventions; street outreach programs; and reintegration programs for individuals transitioning from various institutions. Dr. Baiocchi has also studied how communities, and the broader public, respond and react to these policy issues.
In the News
Describes the variety of programs and innovative practices funded by HEAP in the past twelve months. Elaborates on the overarching strategies that communities used to guide their funding decisions, early successes as well as challenges that communities have encountered while implementing HEAP.
Focuses on all aspects of care for the growing homeless population in the Sacramento County Region.
Street Talk: Homeless Discourses and the Politics of Service Provision. This chapter introduces a basic typology for identifying key narratives of homelessness that permeate contemporary American social culture. Elaborating upon Gowan’s (2010) study of homeless men in San Francisco, we summarize and contextualize common caricatures of homelessness heard by the media, professionals, and the homeless themselves. We also argue for on a new, social work, counter discourse on homelessness.