
Bayla Ostrach

Assistant Professor of Family Medicine, Boston University
Research Scientist, Mountain Area Health Education Center
Chapter Member: Boston SSN

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About Bayla

Ostrach's research centers on structural, policy, and community factors that facilitate (healthcare, social support, inclusion) and impede (stigma, punitive laws, enforcement) access to resources for health and life. As an applied medical anthropologist, Ostrach works in both the United States and Catalunya with their U.S. research theme focused on harm reduction best practices, overdose prevention, and perinatal substance use disorder treatment in Southern Appalachia. Their international work in Catalunya is done with Castellers to understand inclusive nationalism. Ostrach's past work also includes abortion access in public health systems.

In the News

Quoted by Olivia Arnold in "How 'Abortion Stigma' Harms Access to Health Services for Low-Income Women," WGBH News, May 3, 2017.
Interviewed in "Reproductive Rights in Spain and Around the World," (with Christine Buckley) UConn Today, March 2014.


"Pathologized Pregnancies & Deleterious Birth Outcomes: Iatrogenic Effects of Teen Pregnancy Stigma" (with Courtney Everson), in Stigma Syndemics: New Directions in BioSocial Health, edited by Bayla Ostrach, Shir Lerman, Merrill Singer (Lexington Books, 2017).

The social stigma attached to adolescent childbearing is biologized within biomedical pregnancy and delivery care. Social stigma is embodied as psychosocial stress, and drives medical decision-making on women's behalf in ways that produce unnecessarily damaging outcomes. The specific biological-biological interaction between the (pathologized) pregnant teen body and iatrogenic early inductions, c-sections, and other interventions increase risks of negative maternal-infant outcomes. Presents how the ageism inherent in teen pregnancy stigma intersects with classism, racism, and other systems of oppression to intensify the structural-biological-biological interactions that worsen outcomes.

Foundations of BioSocial Health: Stigma & Illness Interactions (edited with Merrill Singer) (Lexington Books, 2017).

Highlights the diverse ways in which various stigmatized health conditions interact with each other and with social inequalities and stigma, to form syndemics. Addresses how stigma translates from a social condition to various biological conditions.

Stigma Syndemics: New Directions in BioSocial Health (edited with Shir Lerman and Merrill Singer) (Lexington Books, 2017).

Explores new directions in syndemics research– revealing what syndemics theory can illuminate about, in particular, stigma-driven reproductive syndemics, carceral syndemics, and syndemics of poverty and malnutrition, as well as oral health syndemics. Links social stigmatization, structural conditions, and how these societal forces drive biological and disease interactions affecting human health, in areas not previously explored through these lenses.

"Abortion Complication Syndemics: Structural Stigma, Pathologized Pregnancies, and Health Consequences of Constrained Care" (with Roula AbiSamra ), in Stigma Syndemics: New Directions in BioSocial Health, edited by Bayla Ostrach, Shir Lerman, Merrill Singer (Lexington Books, 2017).

Presents a syndemic model of abortion stigma–pathways of interaction involving 1) abortion-related stigma, which produces, facilitates, and perpetuates interactions between 2) socially pathologized pregnancies ending or intended to end in abortion, making abortion a biomedical aspect of a socially pathologized pregnancy, and 3) the deleterious health consequences of constrained abortion care interacting with a pathologized pregnancy. Together, these biological, biomedical, and structural interactions threaten reproductive health and lives. 

"Did Policy Change Work? Oregon Women Continue to Encounter Delays in Medicaid Coverage for Abortion" Anthropology in Action - Journal of Applied Anthropology in Policy and Practice 21, no. 3 (2014): 20-30.

Presents follow-up data from a study conducted a year after the policy change described in previous research, showing that even with a successful policy change, reforms are not always permanent or adequate.

"Health Policy in a Time of Crisis: Abortion, Austerity and Access" (Routledge Press, 2017).

Examines the disparities experienced by immigrant and other women, documenting the diverse approaches adopted to overcome obstacles to care in a publicly funded health system. Uses accounts from both providers and women seeking care to illuminate what the Catalan healthcare system, during a period of economic crisis and austerity, reveals about access to care and reproductive governance.