Carina Gallo

Carina Gallo

Professor of Criminal Justice Studies, San Francisco State University
Chapter Leader: Bay Area SSN

Connect with Carina

About Carina

Gallo is a social worker and researcher focusing on historical and international trends in crime and welfare policy, with particular attention to Scandinavia and the United States. Her current research focuses on three areas: 1) the relationship between crime and welfare policy; 2) the history and roots of the victim movement; 3) the scholarship of teaching and learning, with a particular focus on how we can make education more inclusive.

In the News

Opinion: "The A$AP Rocky Case Shines Light on a Different Approach to Criminal Justice," Carina Gallo (with Jordan M. Hyatt), Opinion, The Philadelphia Inquirer, August 7, 2019.


Victim Support and the Welfare State (with Kerstin Svensson). (Routledge, 2019).

Provides a rich analysis of the history of Swedish victim support. Offers a unique case study for considering the role of the victim in the criminal justice system.