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Christy Roix Daggett

Senior Manager, Workforce Development, Aroostook County Action Program
Chapter Member: Maine SSN

Connect with Christy

About Christy

Daggett’s special interests are rural public health, low-income children’s public health, and public health financing. Prior to joining Aroostook, Daggett served as a policy analyst for the Maine Center for Economic Policy. Her work and her research at Muskie School of Public Service were both focused on reducing the chronic disease burden in rural communities. She also volunteers her time for the Maine affiliate of the Susan G. Komen Foundation for the Cure, as well as serving as a math tutor in local schools.

In the News

Opinion: "Crucial College Grant Gets Much-Needed Boost in Maine’s New Budget," Christy Roix Daggett, Bangor Daily News, June 23, 2015.
Opinion: "Colonoscopies for $3,166 or $721: Why Finding Out is Progress," Christy Roix Daggett, Bangor Daily News, January 20, 2015.
Quoted by Susan Sharon in "Report: Student Debt Weighing Down Maine's Economy," MPBN News, September 25, 2014.
Opinion: "Maine Props Up 'Two Americas' with No Medicaid Expansion," Christy Roix Daggett, Bangor Daily News, August 19, 2014.
Opinion: "Maine Voices: It's Time for Lawmakers to Override LePage's Veto of Economic Growth," Christy Roix Daggett, Portland Press Herald, April 30, 2014.
Opinion: "Why Maine Must Mend State Health Care Law," Christy Roix Daggett, Bangor Daily News, May 1, 2013.


"School-Based Health Centers and Educational Outcomes: Current Research and Future Directions," (with Samira Soleimanpour and Sara Geierstanger),

Poster presentation

, 2012 Annual Conference of the National Assembly on School-Based Health Care (NASBHC) and the 2012 ADVANCE Rising Tide Conference sponsored by the University of Maine and the National Science Foundation, 2012.

Summarizes the state of the field in research on school-based health clinic use and correlations with improved academic behaviors in users. Concludes that there is a growing base of evidence linking SBHC usage and reduced rates of dropout, loss of seat time, rates of early dismissal, and improved daily attendance and parent-school connectedness.

"School-Based Health Clinic Use and Children’s Mental Health Treatment Access: Implications for Children in Rural Maine," Maine Children’s Alliance, 2011.

Shows that school-based clinics offer a particularly effective – and cost-effective – route to finding and treating children’s mental health issues in rural Maine. This is due especially to the state’s rural nature, high mental health expenditure per capita, and high pediatric inpatient hospitalization rate.

"Closing the Rural Mortality Disadvantage? An Examination of the Decline in Cardiovascular Mortality Rates in Aroostook and Washington Counties, Maine, 1999-2009,"

Research proposal

, Maine Community Foundation, 2012.

Examines the notable 1999-2009 decline in cardiovascular mortality in two rural counties with historically high mortality rates, and investigates known risk factors – both health behaviors and social determinants of health – to see what might drive the phenomenon. Research in process is funded by the Maine Policy Scholar student research support grant through the Maine Community Foundation.

"Children with Autism: Using Social Stories to Build Social Skills and Competence," Maine School Union 98 Special Services Workshop Series, 2005.

Offers Mount Desert Island, Maine, special educators a synopsis of “lessons learned” from UNC training, especially the reasons why problematic classroom behaviors occur, and how to work with children to address their needs and strengths. Research at the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill School of Medicine is funded by a grant from the Vincent Astor Foundation.