David Mitre Becerril
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About David
Mitre Becerril earned his doctoral degree in Criminology at the University of Pennsylvania. Born and raised in Mexico City, before graduate school, he worked at the Mexican census bureau’s public safety and justice unit and a government research agency. His research interests lie in understanding how place-based interventions affect public safety and the role financial incentives play in deterring criminal behavior. Broadly, his research attempts to understand the conditions under which private and public community investments are promising solutions to crime and violence.
In the News
Examines whether opening the first three government-sanctioned overdose prevention centers in the US was associated with local crime changes. Findings show no significant changes were detected in violent crimes or property crimes recorded by police, 911 calls for crime or medical incidents, or 311 calls regarding drug use or unsanitary conditions observed in the vicinity of the OPCs. Suggests that the expansion of OPCs can be managed without negative crime or disorder outcomes.
Examines the longer-term effects of a tactical street lighting intervention in New York City, and demonstrates that the intervention reduced crime without eventually leading to a larger number of arrests. Findings provide some assurance that the impact of street lighting can endure beyond their initial installation.
Examines the impact of Seattle's $15 landmark minimum wage legislation on public safety. Findings show that although there is speculative evidence for an increase in commercial burglaries, there is little evidence that Seattle experienced a change in its aggregate rate of violent or property offending relative to other U.S. cities. Results suggest that Seattle increased its minimum wage without compromising public safety.