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Frankie J. Weinberg

Dean Henry J. Engler, Jr. Distinguished Professor and Associate Professor of Management, Loyola University New Orleans
Chapter Leader: New Orleans SSN
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About Frankie

Weinberg's research focuses on leadership, mentoring, and organizational learning. Overarching themes in Weinberg's writings include organizational leadership; cohesion-building; designing, implementing, and analyzing mentoring and coaching programs and learning cultures; maximizing the benefits of workplace diversity; leveraging social networks; improving teamwork and decision-making processes; and criteria development for assessment. Weinberg serves as Chapter Leader for the New Orleans Chapter of Scholars Strategy Network, Associate Editor for the Journal of Applied Psychology, and Board Member for the Southern Management Association.


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  • Frankie J. Weinberg
  • Frederick Louis Oswald


"Gender as a Deep-Level, Communicated, and Interactional Construct: Implications for Leaders, Subordinates, and Teammates" (with A. O'Shea Cleveland), in Leading Diversity in the 21st Century, edited by Terri A. Scandura and Edwin Mouriño (Information Age Publishing, 2017).

Describes gendered communication styles (GCOM) as a form of deep-level diversity that has important organizational implications. Presents a series of taxonomies in which GCOM is considered a social process that manifests as a variety of communicative orientations. 

"Advancing Workplace Spiritual Development: A Dyadic Mentoring Approach" (with WIlliam B. Locander). The Leadership Quarterly 25, no. 2 (2013).

Argues that spirituality at work may best be fostered through a dyadic mentorship. Proposes a concept of spiritual mentoring, which takes an authentic self perspective to spirituality while approaching spiritual development as best served through a co-created, dyadic process. 

"When Managers Become Leaders: The Role of Manager Network Centralities, Social Power, and Followers' Perception of Leadership" (with Chia-Yen (Chad) Chiu and Prasad Balkundi). The Leadership Quarterly 28, no. 2 (2017): 334-348.

Explores how formal managers' centralities in both positive and negative networks predict followers' perceptions of their leadership. Incorporates social networks and social ledger theory with implicit leadership theories. Hypothesizes that formally assigned group leaders (managers) who have more positive advice ties and fewer negative avoidance ties are more likely to be recognized as leaders by their followers. 

"Formal Mentoring Programs: A Mentor-Centric and Longitudinal Analysis" (with Melenie J. Lankau). Journal of Management 37, no. 6 (2010): 1527-1557.

Adds to the small number of mentor-centric studies and offers a unique longitudinal examination of formal mentoring programs. Suggests that as formal mentoring relationships develop over time, mentors begin to use their time more efficiently and the negative effects of cross-gender differences dissipate.

"Gendered Communication and Career Outcomes: A Construct Validation and Prediction of Hierarchical Advancement and Non-Hierarchical Rewards" (with Len J. Treviño and A. O'Shea Cleveland). Communication Research (2015).

Introduces a measure that captures gendered communication style, a multi-dimensional construct with masculine and feminine facets, and tests their capacity to predict both hierarchical and non-hierarchical career outcomes.