Freeden Blume Oeur, from

Freeden Blume Oeur

Associate Professor of Sociology, Tufts University
Chapter Member: Boston SSN

About Freeden

Blume Oeur's research focuses on Black politics and gender practices in public schooling. Overarching themes in Blume Oeur's writings include schools as products of neoliberal ideologies; as sites of democratic empowerment and market demands; and as sites of Black respectability politics.


"Recognizing Dignity: Young Black Men Growing up in an Era of Surveillance" Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World 2 (2016).

Develops a model of dignity to explain how young Black men claim recognition in an era of surveillance.

Unmasking Masculinities: Men and Society (edited with Edward W. Morris) (SAGE Publishing, 2018).

Provides an introduction to the field of critical masculinity studies.

"The Respectable Brotherhood: Young Black Men in an All-Boys Charter High School" Sociological Perspectives 60, no. 6 (2017): 1063-1081.

Discusses the promises and pitfalls of grooming respectable young Black men in all-male public high schools.

"Black Boys Apart: Racial Uplift and Respectability in All-Male Public Schools" (University of Minnesota Press, 2018).

Chronicles a year of triumphs, hope, and heartbreak at two all-male schools, a public high school and a charter high school, drawing on Freeden Blume Oeur’s ethnographic work to show how neoliberalism and the politics of respectability are transforming Black manhood.