Hajar Yazdiha headshot

Hajar Yazdiha

Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Southern California

About Hajar

Yazdiha’s research examines the mechanisms underlying the politics of inclusion and exclusion as they shape intergroup boundaries, ethno-racial identities, and political culture. Her research projects have explored questions about dynamics of belonging, identity, and resistance through a range of cases including Muslim diasporas, immigrant rights movements, Black-Brown coalitions, community policing, and right-wing groups.

No Jargon Podcast

In the News

Opinion: "“An Assault on Democracy”: The Effects of Voter ID Laws on Immigrant-Serving Organizations," Hajar Yazdiha (with Blanca A. Ramirez), Items, Social Science Research Council, October 4, 2022.
Opinion: "What the Alt-Right Tells us about the Strategic Uses of (Racial) Identity," Hajar Yazdiha, Mobilizing Ideas, November 13, 2017.


The Struggle for the People’s King: How Politics Transforms the Memory of the Civil Rights Movement (Princeton University Press, 2023).

Reveals how as powerful groups remake the collective memory of the Civil Rights Movement toward competing political ends, they generate offshoots of remembrance that distort history and threaten the very foundations of multicultural democracy.

"The Relational Dynamics of Racialised Policing: Community Policing for Counterterrorism, Suspect Communities, and Muslim Americans’ Provisional Belonging" Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 49, no. 11 (2023): 2676-2697.

Analyzed interviews with law enforcement and focus groups with Muslim communities. Found that police deploy racial logics of CVE to distinguish between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ Muslims, rewarding the former with resources/protection and punishing the latter with surveillance/criminalization.

"Building and Wedging Strategic Alliances: Racial Framing Contests in the Immigrant Rights and Nativist Counter-Movements" American Behavioral Scientist 66, no. 13 (2022): 1717-1736.

Compares case studies of immigrant rights and nativist battles to analyze how movements and counter-movements use frames to generate or disrupt strategic alliances. Findings identify strategic racial frame deployment as a mechanism that can either amplify or obfuscate racial meanings, consequently bridging or wedging alliances.

"An Intersectional Theory of Strategic Decisions: Muslim American Immigrants and the Dilemmas of Policing" Mobilization: An International Quarterly 25, no. 4 (2020): 475–492.

Finds that Muslim Americans' perceptions of agency are patterned across intersections of race and ethnicity, gender, class, and nativity, driving three central interpretations of the dilemma of policing and strategic decisions: fear and disengagement; anger and grassroots mobilization against police; and neutrality and collaboration with police.

"All the Muslims Fit to Print: Racial Frames as Mechanisms of Muslim Ethnoracial Formation in the New York Times from 1992 to 2010" Sociology of Race and Ethnicity 6, no. 4 (2020): 501-516.

Examines shifts in the racial framing of Muslims in the NYT in the decade before and after 9/11 finding evidence of increasingly racialized, but more complex, representations of Muslims in the decade after 9/11 where frames evolve from locating social problems in states and institutions to Muslim peoples and cultural pathology.