
Jessica Baldwin-Philippi

Associate Professor, Fordham University

About Jessica

Baldwin-Philippi’s work focuses on civic media and political communication. She is particularly interested in how citizens’ engagement with new technologies can restructure forms of political participation and idea about citizenship. Baldwin-Philippi has approached this area of study from a variety of political contexts; including political campaign professionals’ use of social media; innovation efforts in municipal governments; and games designed to increase political participation.


How Citizen Attachment to Neighborhoods Helps to Improve Municipal Services and Public Spaces

  • Daniel T. O'Brien
  • Dietmar Offenhuber
  • Melissa Sands
  • Eric Gordon

In the News

Quoted by Katie Honan in "Political Newcomer Shakes Up Congressional Primary in New York," The Wall Street Journal, June 24, 2018.
Guest on WBEZ: Morning Shift, August 23, 2016.


"The Cult(ure) of Analytics in 2014" in Campaign 2014: Media Message and Mobilization, edited by ohn Allen Hendricks and Dan Schill (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015), 25-42.

Documents the rise of a “culture of analytics” in campaigns, and the failure of down-ballot campaigns to adopt such practices despite their buy-in to the ideals behind them.

"Using Technology, Building Democracy: Digital Campaigning and the Construction of Citizenship" (Oxford University Press, 2015).

Studies how campaigns have adopted digital technology, particularly social media, in the years after the Obama 2008 campaign. Provides insight that goes beyond a descriptive account of digital communication strategies and their evolution to investigate the critical questions of what types of political actions these new strategies invite us to take, and what kinds of citizens they encourage us to be.