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Joe M. Feinglass

Research Professor of Medicine, Northwestern University
Chapter Member: Chicagoland SSN
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About Joe

Feinglass's research focuses on of health policy, health disparities, and community-based participatory research in quality improvement, patient outcomes, medical informatics, cost-effectiveness, women’s health, and social epidemiology. Feinglass serves on the Board of the Chicago-based Health and Medicine Policy Research Group.


How Lack of Insurance Hurts Health and Wellbeing

In the News

"A Long-Term Payoff for a Medicaid Expansion in Maine: Significantly Better Health," Joe M. Feinglass, Bangor Daily News, September 16, 2014.
"The Deadly Cost of Being Uninsured," Joe M. Feinglass, Al Jazeera America, April 24, 2014.
Joe M. Feinglass's research on health benefits for suburban uninsured poor people who are granted access to primary care discussed by Staff Writers, "Health Care Safety Net Catches Suburban Poor," Science Codex, September 12, 2013.


"Access to Care Outcomes: A Telephone Interview Survey of a Suburban Safety Net Program" (with Narissa J. Nonzee, Kara R. Murphy, Richard Endress, and Melissa A. Simon). Journal of Community Health (2013).
Looks at changes in health status and utilization of health care after enrollment in a suburban county access-to-care program for the uninsured.
"In Search of ‘Low Health Literacy’: Thresholds versus Gradient Effect of Literacy on Health Status and Mortality" (with Michael S. Wolf, Jason Thompson, and David W. Baker). Social Science in Medicine 70, no. 9 (2010): 1335-1341.
Examines the effects of health literacy and socioeconomic status on life expectancy.
"Correlates of Improvement in Walking Ability among Older Persons in the United States" (with Jing Song, Larry M. Manheim, Pamela Semanik, Rowland W. Chang, and Dorothy Dunlop). American Journal of Public Health 99, no. 3 (2009): 533-539.
Discusses an epidemiology of disability and improvements in functioning of the older U.S. population.
"Baseline Health, Socioeconomic Status, and 10 Year Mortality among Older Middle-Aged Americans: Findings from the Health and Retirement Study, 1992-2002" (with Suru Lin, Jason Thompson, Joseph Sudano, Dorothy Dunlop, Jing Song, and David W. Baker). Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences 62, no. 4 (2007): S209-S217.
Analyzes whether socioeconomic status in older middle age continues to be associated with 10-year survival after data are controlled for baseline health status.
"Health Insurance Coverage and the Risk of Death and Decline in Overall Health among the Near Elderly, 1992-2002" (with David W. Baker, Joseph Sudano, Ramon Durazo-Arvizu, Whitney P. Witt, and Jason Thompson). Medical Care 44, no. 3 (2006): 277-282.
Studies the lack of health insurance’s effects on health.
"Changes in Health for the Uninsured after Reaching Age-Eligibility for Medicare" (with David W. Baker, Ramon Durazo-Arvizu, Whitney P. Witt, Joseph Sudano, and Jason Thompson). Journal of General Internal Medicine 21, no. 11 (2006): 1144-1149.
Weighs the impact of uninsurance on health and advantages for a Medicare buy-in program.