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Kate Westaby

PhD Candidate in Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis, University of Wisconsin, Madison

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About Kate

Westaby studies educational access and persistence for young parents—those in their teens and early 20s. Westaby’s research has found young parents are about 40 percent less likely to have enrolled in college by age 23 compared to their childless peers. Westaby finds with recent political barriers in reproductive rights and the impending impact this will have on young persons, Westaby’s research aims to support young parents with holistic wraparound supports. Kate partners with a local school program, working with young moms, harnessing her own experience as a teen mom. Kate is also a program evaluator, conducting evaluation research in the education, health, and philanthropic sectors.


Stop Scapegoating Teen Moms

In the News

Interviewed in "Ensuring Policies Support Young, Parenting Students," Education Policy, New America, May 10, 2023.


Supporting Equitable Educational Attainment for Student Parents: A Descriptive Analysis of Federal Child Care Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS) Policy (with Maria Widmer)., Aera 2022.

Discusses student parents—individuals who are more likely to be people of color, low-income, and single—experience disparities in retention and degree completion. Shows the Child Care Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS) program provides child care subsidies to student parents. Reveals that for-profits do not receive CCAMPIS awards.