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Maria del Carmen Rodriguez

Student PhD Government International Affairs, MA, MPA, BS, University of South Florida

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About Maria del Carmen

Rodriguez's research focuses in migration issues like asylees and refugees, DACA/DAPA, migration policy, human rights, human trafficking, and international laws and affairs.

Rodriguez's writings include: Human Rights and the Syrian Refugee Crisis in Turkey, Germany, and USA; International Laws and Human Rights Actions: A Key Role Combating Human Trafficking; Human Trafficking Vulnerabilities and Prevention Actions; The Impact of Federalism in the Enactment of the Obama's DACA and DAPA Executive Actions; The Obama Executive Actions on DACA and DAPA: The Legality of the Controversies Generated.

Rodriguez's interests in migration gives her the opportunity to participate in outreach and Informational activities tailored to migrants and immigrants seeking benefits in the Unites States, including outreach sponsored by the MIRA organization, and Prensa Mexicana/Mi Ciudad Tampa outreach events, among others.



"International Laws and Human Rights Actions: A Key Role in Combating Human Trafficking," forthcoming.

Examines the rise of modern day slavery, and international efforts to counter it by the United Nations, non-governmental organizations, and international government organizations. Finds remedies are still needed to prevent exploitation, prosecute traffickers, and protect victims.