Mark Barenberg
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About Mark
Barenberg’s areas of expertise include labor rights in free trade agreements and U.S. trade legislation; multi-stakeholder initiatives to enforce international labor rights; global economic institutions; U.S. domestic labor law and policy; U.S. employment law and policy; and United States constitutional law. He is the founding president of Worker Rights Consortium and legal adviser to the Coalition of Immokalee Workers. He has drafted many anti-sweatshop; living wage; and trade reform laws on behalf of cities; states; and Congress and has written policy papers and led numerous workshops with the Roosevelt Institute’s Future of Work initiative. Barenberg has also served as legal adviser to Members of Congress and A.F.L.-C.I.O in several capacities. He has acted as consultant to the Economic Policy Institute’s Agenda for Shared Prosperity; the U.S. Department of Labor; and the International Labor Organization (ILO); the specialized UN agency charged with formulating and monitoring compliance with international labor law.
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Offers an architecture for the new high-powered institutions that would be necessary to genuinely counter the race-to-the-bottom in global labor standards.