Marlene Schwartz
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About Marlene
Schwartz's research focuses on changing the environmental contributors to childhood obesity and poor diet. Overarching themes in Schwartz's writings include (a) improving school nutrition and students' diets through local; state and federal policies; (b) boosting the nutritional quality of products available in the charitable food system; and (c) decreasing sugary drink consumption through multi-sector community-level interventions. Schwartz has consulted nationally with the White House; Centers for Disease Control; National Academy of Medicine; Feeding America; the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation as well as many state and local agencies.
Re: DHS Docket No. USCIS-2010-0012
In the News
Finds that food service directors reported that the pandemic-related regulatory waivers were very helpful in allowing them to increase flexibility and be more creative in solving problems. Reports that they believe the waivers increased participation in the USDA's summer meal program, suggesting that permanent changes to the summer meal program regulations may be appropriate.
Describes the development of a nutrition ranking system for use in food banks and food pantries. Uses a system is based on the dietary guidelines and ranks foods as green, yellow, or red based on food group and levels of sugar, sodium and saturated fat.
Examines a three year intervention that was designed to support middle schools in implementing nutrition and physical activity policies. Finds after three years, students in the schools with nutrition policy support exhibited a healthier weight trajectory than students in schools that received only physical activity support or a delayed control condition.
Reports on a community-based, multi-level campaign to decrease sugary drink consumption in a county in Maryland. Finds after three years, there was a significant, nearly 20% decrease in sales of regular soda in full-service grocery stores compared to a set of control grocery stores that were matched at baseline.