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Megan Haggard

Associate Professor of Psychology, Francis Marion University
Chapter Member: South Carolina SSN
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About Megan

Haggard's research focuses on the intersection of religion, prejudice, and the development of virtues such as intellectual humility, identification with all humanity, and civic engagement. Haggard's overarching themes in writings include how intellectual virtues develop and are displayed in everyday life, how religion can bolster some forms of prejudice, and the influence of morality in perceiving others. Haggard is currently researching how civic engagement is impacted by intellectual virtues such as dependability, benevolence, and other-centeredness.


"Understanding Humility As Intellectual Virtue" in Humility, edited by Jennifer Cole Wright (Oxford University Press, 2019), Chapter 14.

Discusses the understandings of  intellectual humility as a spectrum between intellectual arrogance and intellectual servility provides new and important avenues for research and intervention development.

"Religion’s Role in the Illusion of Gender Equality: Supraliminal and Subliminal Religious Priming Increases Benevolent Sexism" (with Kaelen, R, Saroglou, V., Klein, O, Rowatt, and W. C). Psychology of Religion & Spirituality 11, no. 4 (2019): 392-398.

Discusses how in Belgian and U.S. samples, brief exposure to religious prime words above and below awareness increase participant's self-reported benevolent sexism scores

"Finding Middle Ground Between Intellectual Arrogance and Intellectual Servility: Development and Assessment of the Limitations-Owning Intellectual Humility Scale" (with Wade C. Rowatt, Joseph C. Leman, Benjamin Meagher, Courtney Moore, Thomas Fergus, Dennis Whitcomb, Heather Battaly, Jason Baehr, and Dan Howard-Snyder). Personality and Individual Differences 124 (2018): 184-193.

Explores how intellectual Humility conceptualized as owning one's intellectual limitations driven by a desire to seek truth predicts openness to experience and other traits associated with open-mindedness.

"Associations Among Religiousness and Community Volunteerism in National Random Samples of American Adults" (with Linda L. Kang, Wade C. Rowatt, and Megan Johnson Shen). Journal Journal of Prevention & Intervention in the Community 43, no. 3 (2015): 175-185.

Discusses how both social and value-based aspects of religiosity increase the likelihood of volunteering through or for one's place of worship, whereas only social aspects of religiosity increase likelihood of volunteering outside one's place of worship.