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Nick Hart

President and CEO, Data Coalition
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About Nick

Hart's research focuses on the use of evidence-based policymaking; program evaluation; and policy analysis. Overarching themes in Hart's writings include the role of transparency and accountability; and the use of evidence by federal legislators and agencies. Hart serves as a member of the American Evaluation Association (AEA) and Chair of the Evaluation Policy Task Force. He was elected to the Eastern Evaluation Research Society (EERS) Board of Directors in 2016 and to the Washington Statistical Society Board in 2018.

In the News

Opinion: "How Government Gets it Right on Privacy," Nick Hart (with Jane Fountain), Government Executive, January 27, 2020.
Opinion: "The Federal Data Strategy is a Trump Plan We Should All Support," Nick Hart, Nextgov, July 2, 2019.
Opinion: "Focusing Government's C-Suite on Data Quality Makes Good Business Sense," Nick Hart (with Robert Shea), The Hill, May 22, 2019.


"Evidence Works: Cases Where Evidence Meaningfully Informed Policy," (with Meron Yohannes), Bipartisan Policy Center, June 11, 2019.

Presents a collection of case studies that highlight the many approaches to using evidence, the different types of information that can be relevant, and the challenges faced in the real world.

"Privacy-Preserved Data Sharing for Evidence-Based Policy Decisions: A Demonstration Project Using Human Services Administrative Records for Evidence-Building Activities" Bipartisan Policy Center (2019).

Focuses on secure computation, which allows information to be accessed securely, guarantees privacy, and permits analysis without making private information available.

"Tracking Federal Funding to Combat the Opioid Crisis" (with G. William Hoagland, Anand Parekh, Tim Swope, Morgan Bailie, Regina LaBelle, and Capri S. Cafaro). Bipartisan Policy Center (2019).

Examines how federal opioid investments are spent across five geographically diverse states: Arizona, Louisiana, New Hampshire, Ohio, and Tennessee. Takes an in-depth look at how these states are allocating the two largest federal opioid grants, the State Targeted Response and State Opioid Response grants. Incorporates county-level maps of federal funding and drug-related deaths from 2015 to 2017 for each of the selected states. 

"Barriers to Using Government Data: Extended Analysis of the U.S. Commission on Evidence-Based Policymaking's Survey of Federal Agencies and Offices" (with Kody Carmody). Bipartisan Policy Center (2018).

Offers relevant insights for development of the U.S. Commission on Evidence-Based Policymaking's recommended National Secure Data Service to fill identified capacity gaps as a shared service center for federal agencies. Suggests that government needs to improve capacity to engage this work, with better abilities and an organizational infrastructure and legal framework that supports securely accessing and analyzing data.

"Transparency, Accountability, and Consent in Evidence Building," (with Katherine K. Wallman), Bipartisan Policy Center, July 2018.

Evaluates federal government usage and availability of data to determine policy effectiveness. Argues that the government must make data more available for analysis, and commit to transparency with how information is gathered and used.

"Evidence Use in Congress," (with Edward Davis and Tim Shaw), Bipartisan Policy Center, March 2018.

Evaluates the use of evidence in Congress. Identifies different types of barriers within the institution that impede evidence use.

"Presidential Evidence Initatives: Lessons from the Bush and Obama Administrations' Efforts to Improve Government Performance," (with Kathryn Newcomer), Bipartisan Policy Center, February 2018.

Evaluates initiatives to use evidence to improve government function in the George W. Bush and Barack Obama administrations. Provides insight in how future initiatives may learn from past experiences.