
Panos D Prevedouros

Retired Professor and Past Chair of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Hawaii at Manoa

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About Panos

Prevedouros (now retired) has expertise in urban road network management, traffic safety, traffic flow analysis, traffic signal optimization, intelligent transportation systems and autonomous vehicles. demand forecasting and evaluation of transportation alternatives, sustainable infrastructure including transportation, energy, policies, and regulation. His current research is on the safety needs of rural and indigenous people and on the sustainability and resilience of developing countries.

In the News

Opinion: "The Hard Reality of Honolulu Rail Costs," Panos D Prevedouros, Honolulu Civil Beat, August 25, 2017.
Quoted by Brittany Lyte in "Honolulu's Rapid Transit Crisis," CityLab, July 19, 2017.
Opinion: "Rail Will Never Be as Practical as Roadways," Panos D Prevedouros, Honolulu Star Advertiser, July 11, 2017.
Guest on Fox News, March 12, 2017.


"Signalized Intersection Level of Service Incorporating Safety Risk" (with Lin Zhang). Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 1852 (2003).

Quantifies potential conflicts between left-turning vehicles and opposing through vehicles and pedestrians. Proposes a method that models the trade-off between safety and efficiency explicitly and considers both vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-pedestrian conflicts associated with left turns.

"Urban Transportation Vehicle Sustainability Assessment with a Comparative Study of Weighted Sum and Fuzzy Methods" Journal of Urban Planning and Development 142, no. 4 (2016).

Aims to demonstrate the sustainability framework that focuses specifically on vehicle characteristics and compares two multi-criteria decision making methods in terms of ranking sustainability performance of transportation vehicles and applicability to selected indicators.

"Incorporating Sustainability Assessment in Transportation Planning: An Urban Transportation Vehicle-Based Approach" (with Lambros K. Mitropoulos). Transportation Planning and Technology 39, no. 5 (2016): 439-463.

Joins life cycle impacts and a set of quantified indicators to assess the sustainability performance of seven popular light-duty vehicles and two types of transit buses. Shows the proposed sustainability dimensions produce robust sustainability assessment for several weighting scenarios.

"Total Cost of Ownership and Externalities of Conventional, Hybrid and Electric Vehicle" (with Lambros K. Mitropoulos and Pantelis Kopelias). Transportation Research Procedia 24 (2017): 267-274.

Develops a method that integrates indirect costs (externalities), including emissions (i.e. global and local air pollution) and time losses with direct total cost of ownership. Facilitates vehicle comparisons and supports policymaking in transportation.

"Transportation Engineering and Planning" (with C.S. Papacostas) (Prentice Hall, 2001).

Begins with the basic sciences, mathematics, and engineering mechanics, and gradually introduces new concepts concerning societal context, geometric design, human factors, traffic engineering, simulation, transport planning, and evaluation.

"Life Cycle Emissions and Cost Study of Light Duty Vehicles" (with Lambros Mitropoulos). Transportation Research Procedia 15 (2016): 749-760.

Reveals that vehicle costs change significantly for different geographical areas depending on vehicle taxation, and the pricing of gasoline, electric power, and pollution. 

"Life Cycle Emissions and Cost Model for Urban Light Duty Vehicles" (with Lambros K. Mitropoulos). Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 41 (2015): 147-159.

Develops a model that integrates external costs, including emissions and time losses, with societal and consumer life cycle costs. Reveals vehicle costs change significantly for different geographical areas depending on vehicle taxation, pricing of gasoline, electric power, and pollution.