Van der Wees

Philip J. Van der Wees

Senior Researcher, Celsus Academy for Sustainable Healthcare and Scientific Institute for Quality of Healthcare, Radboud University Medical Center
Areas of Expertise:

About Philip

Van der Wees’ research projects are aimed at quality, implementation, and evaluation of healthcare. He leads projects for the use of patient-reported outcomes in several professions such as orthopedic surgeons and physical therapists. His research projects over the past years were aimed at development and implementation of clinical practice guidelines. From 2010-2012 Dr. Van der Wees was chair of the Guidelines International Network (G-I-N). In 2011, he was selected by the Commonwealth Fund for the Harkness Fellowships in Health Care Policy and Practice and he has worked at Harvard Medical School in Boston to conduct his fellowship. In 2012, he was also affiliated with the RAND Corporation in Boston to study the feasibility of patient-reported outcomes in performance measurement in an international perspective. Finally, in 2013 Dr. Van der Wees joined the editorial board of Physical Therapy Journal.

In the News

Research discussed by "Massachusetts Residents Healthier after Health Care Reform," Center for Advancing Health (CFAH); Health Behavior News Service (HBNS), December 12, 2013.
Research discussed by "Study Links Broader Health Insurance with Better Health," Science Daily, December 10, 2013.


"Governing Healthcare through Performance Measurement in Massachusetts and the Netherlands" (with Maria Nijhuis-van der Sanden, Ewout van Ginneken, John Ayanian, Eric Schneider, and Gert Westert). Health Policy (2013).
Compares health reforms in Massachusetts and the Netherlands focused on performance measurement. Both jurisdictions are expanding the use of patient-reported outcomes to support patient care, quality improvement, and performance comparisons with the aim of explicitly linking performance to new payment incentives.
"Health Insurance Exchanges in Switzerland and the Netherlands Offer Five Key Lessons for the Operations of U.S. Exchanges" (with Ewout van Ginneken and Katherine Swartz). Health Affairs 32, no. 4 (2013): 744-752.

Reviews the Swiss and Dutch experience with health insurance exchanges with five specific lessons for the U.S. exchanges.

"Improvements in Health Status after Massachusetts Health Care Reform" (with Alan M. Zaslavsky and John Z. Ayanian). The Milbank Quarterly 91, no. 4 (2013): 663-689.
Compares trends in health status and the use of ambulatory health services before and after the implementation of health reform in Massachusetts. Health care reform in Massachusetts was associated with improved health status and the greater use of some preventive services relative to those in other New England states, particularly among low-income households.
"Guidelines International Network: Towards International Standards for Guideline Development" (with Amir Qaseem, Fergus Macbeth, Guenter Ollenschläger; Frode Forland, and Sue Phillips). Annals of Internal Medicine 156, no. 7 (2012): 525-531.
Proposes international standards for the development of clinical practice guidelines on behalf of the Guidelines International Network (G-I-N).
"Tackling Rising Health Care Costs in Massachusetts" (with John Z. Ayanian). New England Journal of Medicine 367, no. 9 (2012): 790-793.
Outlines the scope and potential impact of new legislation to contain costs and improve quality of healthcare in Massachusetts.