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Robert J. Brulle

Professor Emeritus of Sociology and Environmental Science, Brown University

About Robert

Brulle’s research focuses on the interactions between civil society, social movements and the natural environment. His signature work, Agency, Democracy, and Nature (2000), studies the social causes of environmental degradation and the political actions necessary to deal with it. He also investigates the political and cultural dynamics of climate change.


Partisan Battles and Shifting Public Opinion on Climate Change

  • J. Craig Jenkins

In the News

Quoted by Amanda Terkel in "GOP Climate Change Denial Set the Stage for Trump’s Coronavirus Conspiracies," The Huffpost, July 27, 2020.
Research discussed by Amy Westervelt, in "Why Are ‘The New York Times’ and ‘The Washington Post’ Producing Ads for Big Oil?," The Nation, April 22, 2019.
Research discussed by Josh Gabbatiss, in "Major Polluters Spend 10 Times as Much on Climate Lobbying as Green Groups, Study Finds," The Independent, July 19, 2018.
Quoted by Amy Harder in "Climate Change as a Flawed Social Movement," Axios, April 25, 2018.
Quoted by Zahra Hirji in "These Conservative Megadonors Funded Climate Denial in 2016, Tax Filings Show," Buzzfeed News, January 25, 2018.
Quoted by Robert O'Harrow Jr. in "A Two-Decade Crusade by Conservative Charities Fueled Trump’s Exit from Paris Climate Accord," The Washington Post, September 5, 2017.
Quoted by Sean McElwee in "Moneyed Interests are Blocking U.S. Action on Climate Change," Al Jazeera America, February 8, 2016.
Guest on WHYY Radio Times with Marty Moss-Coane, December 14, 2015.
Interviewed in "Climate Change's Overlooked Sociological Side," Inside Climate News, August 25, 2015.
Research discussed by Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, in "The Climate Denial Beast (Speech to the U.S. Senate)," Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse Speech on the Senate Floor, February 4, 2014.
Research discussed by George Zornick, in "The Dark Money in Climate Change," The Washington Post, December 27, 2013.
Interviewed in "Inside the Climate Change 'Countermovement'," Frontline, October 23, 2012.
Guest on CBS's Frontline, October 23, 2012.
Research discussed by Scott K. Johnson, in "Americans Listening to Politicians, Not Climate Scientists," Wired Science, February 27, 2012.
Quoted by in "Seeking to Save the Planet, With a Thesaurus," New York Times, May 1, 2009.


"Institutionalizing Delay: Foundation Funding and the Creation of U.S. Climate Change Counter-Movement Organizations" Climatic Change (December 2013).
Conducts an analysis of the financial resource mobilization of the organizations that make up the climate change counter-movement in the United States, and finds that the overwhelming majority of the philanthropic support comes from conservative foundations. Additionally, there is evidence of a trend toward concealing the sources of funding through the use of donor directed philanthropies.
"Human Behavior and Sustainability" (with Joern Fischer, Robert Dyball, Ioan Fazey, Stephen Dovers, Paul R. Ehrlich, Catherine Gross, Carleton Christensen, and Richard J. Borden). Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 10, no. 3 (2012): 153-160.
Develops an integrated perspective on the different levels and types of actions necessary to enable the creation of a sustainable society.
"Shifting Public Opinion on Climate Change; An Empirical Assessment of Factors Influencing Concern over Climate Change in the U.S." (with Jason Carmichael and J. Craig Jenkins). Climatic Change (January 2012).

Develops and tests a model of the factors that influence public opinion on climate change in the U.S. over time.

"From Environmental Campaigns to Advancing the Public Dialogue: Environmental Communication for Civic Engagement" Environmental Communication: A Journal of Nature and Culture 4, no. 1 (2010): 82-98.
Critiques existing environmental communications strategies, and lays out an alternative approach that integrates communications efforts into a larger effort to foster social change.
"Environmental Justice: Human Health and Environmental Inequalities" (with David Pellow). Annual Review of Public Health 27 (2006): 103-124.

Provides an overview of the social factors that drive environmental inequality, and how the climate justice movement has developed to address this issue.

"Power, Justice and the Environment: A Critical Appraisal of the Environmental Justice Movement " (with David Pellow) (MIT Press, 2005).
This collection of essays develops a critical environmental justice perspective that seeks to foster reflexivity within the environmental justice movement.
"Agency, Democracy, and Nature: U.S. Environmental Movements from a Critical Theory Perspective " (MIT Press, 2000).
Analyzes the social causes of environmental degradation and the political actions necessary to deal with it. Develops both a pragmatic and a moral argument for broad-based democratization of society as a prerequisite to achieving ecological sustainability.