Ron Aminzade
Professor Emerita of Sociology, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Chapter Member: Minneapolis-St. Paul SSN
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About Ron
Aminzade’s areas of expertise include nationalism; race relations; social movements; democratic theory; and the sociology of higher education. Since retiring he has worked as a volunteer at the non-profit organization Projet Zawadi which is concerned with improving educational opportunities in Tanzania.
Does Africa Need a New Green Revolution to Fight Hunger?
Basic Facts Brief,
"Nation Building in Post-Colonial Nation-States: The Cases of Tanzania and Fiji" (with ). Research in Political Sociology 16 (2008): 121-166.
Explores dilemmas of nation-building in two post-colonial societies, focusing on historical patterns of racial formation and civic exclusion/inclusion.
"Nation-States Confront the Global: Discourses of Indigenous Rights in Fiji and Tanzania" (with ). Sociological Quarterly 48, no. 4 (2007): 801-831.
Analyzes the tensions between local and global discourses of indigeneity in two post-colonial nation-states.
"From Race to Citizenship: The Indigenization Debate in Post-Socialist Tanzania" Comparative Studies in International Development 38, no. 1 (2003): 43-63.
Documents the transformation of the debate over indigenization from a discourse of racial redress targeting the country’s Asian racial minority to an exclusionary discourse of citizenship targeting foreigners.