Sarah Raskin
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About Sarah
Raskin's scholarly interests focus on investigating techniques to improve cognitive functioning after injury to the brain or neurologic illness. Overarching themes include applying knowledge from studies of basic neuroscience to rehabilitation models and the interaction of social determinants and brain injury recovery. Raskin's work is guided by a community panel of people with brain injury. She has published numerous articles and three books including Neuroplasticity and Rehabilitation. Raskin is the President of the Board of Directors of the Brain Injury Alliance of CT, serves on the Board of Connecticut Against Gun Violence, and the West Hartford Human Rights Commission.
In the News
Identifies prospective memory deficits in multiple sclerosis: Preliminary evaluation of the criterion and ecological validity of a single item version of the memory for intentions test (MIST). Mentions that deficits in prospective memory can lead to problems like not remembering to attend doctor's appointments.
Reviews of what is known about mild traumatic brain injury, also known as concussions.
Involves remembering to complete a previously formed intention. Discusses successful prospective memory performance is important in daily life tasks such as taking medications or paying bills and has been related to compliance with treatment.
Explores ways in which brain-injured individuals may be helped to compensate for their loss of cognitive abilities and possibly restore those abilities.