
Sayeh Nikpay

Assistant Professor of Health Policy, Vanderbilt University Medical School
Chapter Member: Tennessee SSN
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In the News

Quoted by Roxanne (Yanchun) Liu in "Some Hospitals Pocket Savings from Program Meant to Lower Costs for Low-Income Patients," USA Today, July 12, 2018.
Research discussed by Paige Minemeyer, in "Study: Hospitals May Not Be 'Gobbling up' Physician Practices," FierceHealthcare, July 9, 2018.
Quoted by Nick Caloway in "Health Policy Professor Seeks Bipartisan Health Care Fix," WKRN, July 28, 2017.
Quoted by Andrew Joseph in "A Boy Who Can't Speak Depends on Medicaid: What Happens to Him If It's Cut?," Stat, February 21, 2017.
Quoted by Aaron E. Carroll in "How Would Republican Plans for Medicaid Block Grants Actually Work?," The New York Times, February 6, 2017.


"Cervical Cancer Screening and Follow-Up Procedures in Women Age <21 Years Following New Screening Guidelines" (with Alexandra M. Foxx, Yuwei Zhu, Edward Mitchel, Dineo Khabele, and Marie R. Griffin). Journal of Adolescent Health 62, no. 2 (2018): 170-175.

Examines changes in screening, diagnostic, and treatment procedures for cervical dysplasia after guideline introduction, and cost implications.

"The Changing Dynamics of US Health Insurance and Implications for the Future of the Affordable Care Act" (with John A. Graves). Health Affairs 36, no. 2 (2017).

Finds that the Affordable Care Act's unprecedented coverage changes increased transitions to Medicaid and nongroup coverage among the uninsured, while strengthening the existing employer-sponsored insurance system and improving retention of public coverage. Suggests possible weakness of state Marketplaces, since people gaining nongroup coverage were disproportionately older than other potential enrollees.

"Effect of the Affordable Care Act Medicaid Expansion on Emergency Department Visits: Evidence from State-Level Emergency Department Databases" (with Seth Freedman, Helen Levy, and Tom Buchmueller). Annals of Emergency Medicine 70, no. 2 (2017): 215-225.

Assesses whether the expansion of Medicaid under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act results in changes in emergency department visits or emergency department payer mix. Tests whether the size of the change in emergency department visits depends on the change in the size of the Medicaid population.

"The Relationship Between Uncompensated Care and Hospital Financial Position: Implications of the ACA Medicaid Expansion for Hospital Operating Margins" (with Thomas Buchmueller, Helen Levy, and Simone R. Singh). Journal of Health Care Finance 43, no. 2 (2016).

Identifies conditions under which Medicaid expansion will improve hospital finances. Estimates average hospital reimbursements by payer source (Medicaid, uninsured, privately insured) in the inpatient, emergency department, and outpatient hospital settings and uses these estimates to simulate the impact of changes in payer mix on uncompensated care and hospital revenues. 

"Evaluating Community-Based Health Improvement Programs" (with Carrie E. Fry, Erika Leslie, and Melinda B. Buntin). Health Affairs 37, no. 1 (2018): 22-29.

Finds that the implementation of community-based health improvement programs was associated with a decreases of less than 0.15 percent in the rate of obesity, an even smaller decrease in the proportion of people reporting being in poor or fair health, and a smaller increase in the rate of smoking. Suggests guidance and expertise in measurement, data collection, and analytic strategies at the beginning of program implementation in order to better evaluate health improvement programs.

"Per Capita Caps in Medicaid—Lessons from the Past" (with Andrew J. Goodman-Bacon). The New England Journal of Medicine (2017).

Believes that Paul Ryan's proposal would result in restrictions on coverage and benefits rather than state innovations to reduce program costs.