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Sophia Jordán Wallace

Associate Professor, University of Washington-Seattle Campus
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About Sophia

Miller's expertise/interest is the U.S. in world politics (American foreign policy), with a special focus on Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. She has written extensively on negotiation and bargaining and international organization and diplomatic history in books, essays, and reviews in leading American, British, and Israeli journals. She is a long term member of the Council on Foreign Relations and was a long-term member of the London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies. She edited a major professional journal, International Studies Review, for the International Studies Association as a joint Wellesley-Brown enterprise from 1998-2002.

In between receiving graduate degrees at Columbia, Miller wrote for the Great Decisions program of the Foreign Policy Association. In recent years, as a public service, she has also presented their much newer content in adult education settings at the Wellfleet Public Library. At the Open University of Wellfleet Miller is a faculty member teaching courses on Politics in Film and Fiction. She is also a long time Board member (and former Board chair) of the Center for Coastal Studies where she assists in the Science and Education Program which is now emphasizing "climate change" in coastal communities.


Latino Support for Rights Movements in the Age of Trump

  • Chris Zepeda-Millan


"Sanctuary Cities: Public Attitudes toward Enforcement Collaboration between Local Police and Federal Immigration Authorities" (with Jason P. Casellas). Urban Affairs Review (2018).

Utilizes original data from the 2016 Cooperative Congressional Election Survey (CCES) to study attitudes toward local/federal collaboration on immigration enforcement. Demonstrates that those who most recognize the racial advantage of Whites are significantly less likely to support collaboration between local police and federal authorities. 

"The Role of Race, Ethnicity, and Partisanship on Attitudes about Descriptive Representation" (with Jason P. Casellas). American Politics Research 43, no. 1 (2014): 144-169.

Uses original data to examine variation in racial and ethnic group and partisan attitudes toward legislators and representation. Finds that Latino and Black respondents place a high level of importance on having descriptive representatives in their own districts in addition to articulating a high degree of importance to having more representatives from their respective group in elected office. 

"Racialization in Times of Contention: How Social Movements Influence Latino Racial Identity" (with Chris Zepeda-Millan). Politics, Groups, and Identities 1, no. 4 (2013): 510-527.

Examines the effects of protests on the strength of Latino racial identity. Tests whether Latino perceptions of racialization changed during the series of demonstrations and finds that both during and after the marches, Latinos possessed a greater sense of racialization than before the marches. 

"Papers Please: State-Level Anti-Immigrant Legislation in the Wake of Arizona's SB 1070" Political Science Quarterly 129, no. 2 (2014): 261-291.

Analyzes the factors that led to an increased probability to introducing a copy-cat bill of Arizona's SB 1070. Indicates that Republican-led legislatures were significantly more likely to introduce such bills, as were places with higher unemployment rates.

"Spatial and Temporal Proximity: Examining the Effects of Protests on Political Attitudes" (with Chris Zepeda-Millán and Michael Jones-Correa). American Journal of Political Science 58, no. 2 (2014): 449-465.

Analyzes temporal and spatial variation in the effects of the immigrant rights marches in 2006 on Latino attitudes towards trust in government and self-efficacy. Finds that local proximity to small marches had a positive impact on feelings of efficacy, whereas large-scale protests led to lower feelings of efficacy.

"Representing Latinos: Examining Descriptive and Substantive Representation in Congress" Political Research Quarterly 67, no. 4 (2014): 917-929.

Analyzes the 111th Congress to assess representation of Latinos by using an original data set of roll call votes and bill co-sponsorships on three high salience issues (immigration, labor, and education).