Virginia Question 1: Explained by Experts

The 2020 election is quickly approaching, and in some cases voters have already cast their ballots. Not only are voters selecting their preferred candidates, but many are also weighing in on ballot initiatives with important implications for public policy.

For reporters covering the debate around Virginia Question 1, regarding whether the Constitution of Virginia be amended to establish a redistricting commission, the following experts are available to provide commentary and analysis:

Mary Baldwin University

Van Assendelft’s research focuses on women and politics, state and local politics, public policy, and teaching political science. 


"Proposed Virginia Constitutional Amendment #1 seeks to eliminate bias created by partisan gerrymandering when politicians are allowed to draw their own districts. The creation of a redistricting commission instead is a step towards greater transparency and bipartisan redistricting that can increase the legitimacy of the process."

Washington and Lee University
Mark Rush

Rush's research focuses on democracy, voting rights, and constitutional law around the world.


"Ballot Question 1 is the first, important step towards improving the redistricting process in Virginia. So long as elected officials control this process, it will never be legitimate. The conflict of interest is obvious. A nonpartisan commission is the first step towards ending gerrymandering and making elections more competitive."