

Experts Available: For the People Act and SCOTUS Voting Rights Cases

This week, voting rights in America hang in the balance. In the House, representatives will consider the For the People Act (H.R. 1), which would...

Experts Available: Equality Act

This week, the House of Representatives is set to vote on the Equality Act - a bill that would significantly expand protections against discrimination...

Member Spotlight: U.S. Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation Commission

This week, we're spotlighting the U.S. Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation Commission (H.Con.Res.100) - a resolution drafted and written by SSN...
wall street

Expert Available: GameStop Stocks and Financial Regulation

Last week, GameStop made headlines when a group of small time investors drove up the price of its stock as hedge funds who shorted it lost billions...
student debt

Experts Available: Biden Administration Student Debt Relief

As the Biden-Harris Administration sets its agenda for its first one hundred days in office, Scholars Strategy Network has compiled a list of experts...

Experts Available: Biden Administration Stimulus Package

As the Biden-Harris Administration sets its agenda for its first one hundred days in office, Scholars Strategy Network has compiled a list of experts...

Experts Available: Attacks on US Capitol

In light of last week's attack on the US Capitol and the heightened threat of further violence this weekend or during the Inauguration next week, SSN...

Election Experts Available: Race and Politics

For journalists looking for expert sources to comment on issues of race and ethnicity in the midterm elections, these scholars are available to...

Scholar Spotlight: Katherine Beckett

Katherine Beckett is this week's scholar spotlight for her impactful research on racial bias in capital punishment. Washington just ruled that the...

Announcing the Legacies Project: Learning from Historically Black Colleges and Universities

For too long, higher education and other American institutions have excluded minority groups from full participation in U.S. society. Early Civil...