

Member Spotlight: U.S. Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation Commission

This week, we're spotlighting the U.S. Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation Commission (H.Con.Res.100) - a resolution drafted and written by SSN...
pink and orange shapes

Kansas Experts' Letter on Recovery Policy

Today, more than 40 experts in economics, education, public health, finance, infrastructure, and public administration in Kansas released a joint...

Scholar Spotlight: Darrick Hamilton

This week’s scholar spotlight highlights Darrick Hamilton, whose work on stratification economics has inspired Democratic presidential hopefuls Sen...

Scholar Spotlight: Phillip Atiba Goff

This week's Scholar Spotlight is Phillip Atiba Goff, whose organization, the Center for Policing Equity, is now part of the Audacious Project through...
state government

Scholar Spotlight: Alexander Hertel-Fernandez

We elect state legislators to craft bills for us, but three large conservative groups have a huge influence in shaping - and even writing - these laws...

Scholar Spotlight: Nathan Jensen and Margaret O'Mara

Amazon announced its plans for HQ2, splitting its second headquarters between New York City and Arlington, Virginia. Dozens of cities offered billions...

Scholar Spotlight: Katherine Beckett

Katherine Beckett is this week's scholar spotlight for her impactful research on racial bias in capital punishment. Washington just ruled that the...

Scholar Spotlight: Tom K. Wong

This week, we highlight Tom K. Wong, who worked with civic organizations UnitedWeDream, Center for American Progress, and the National Immigration Law...
police cars

Scholar Spotlight: Hedwig Lee

Continuing our research highlight from last week, this week's Scholar Spotlight is Hedwig Lee, whose research contributed to a new study on police...

Scholar Spotlight: Natasha Warikoo

This week, our Scholar Spotlight highlights Natasha, who co-wrote a powerful op-ed in the New York Times about the admissions processes of top...