
Rural Midwest

New Member Spotlight: L.J. McElravy Advocates for Compromise in Nebraska

SSN is excited to welcome L.J. McElravy, an associate professor of leadership at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, as the 1900th member to join the...
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Scholar Spotlight on Hahrie Han and Jamila Michener

This week's Scholar Spotlight highlights two distinguished researchers joining SSN’s Board of Directors: Hahrie Han , Professor of Political Science...

Scholar Spotlight: Rachael Cobb

This week's scholar spotlight highlights Rachael Cobb, who hosted the Public Service Symposium at Suffolk University this week. This year's theme was...

Scholar Spotlight: Amy Fried

This week's Scholar Spotlight is Amy Fried, who recently won the Career Recognition Award from the University of Maine's Rising Tide Center. The...
gender in politics

Scholar Spotlight: Malliga Och

This week, we're highlighting Malliga Och, an assistant professor at Idaho State University who studies women in conservative parties and methods to...

Scholar Spotlight: Christopher Uggen

This week's spotlight shines on Christopher Uggen, a criminologist whose research on felony disenfranchisement contributed to Florida's vote to...
police scene

Scholar Spotlight: Beverly Gage

A series of bombs mailed to people affiliated with the Democratic Party rattled the U.S. last week - but this isn't the first time something like this...

Scholar Spotlight: Elizabeth Matto

Youth voter turnout is consistently low, and research shows that faculty engagement can be one of the best ways to boost student engagement. This week...

Scholar Spotlight: Michael McDonald

The midterm elections are about a month away, so this week's scholar spotlight shines on Michael McDonald, a professor at the University of Florida...
gender in politics

Scholar Spotlight: Kelly Dittmar and Kira Sanbonmatsu

This week's spotlight shines on Kelly Dittmar and Kira Sanbonmatsu, who recently published a new book, A Seat at the Table . Dittmar, Sanbonmatsu, and...