

Chapter Spotlight: For Utah SSN, a Deep and Fast-Paced Dive into Policy

“We had an idea of some of the bills that were going to come up. We wanted to figure out how to get people prepared to engage in a way that might be...
Abortion pill

3 Experts Available for Timely Analysis on Abortion Medication Access

In coming days, a federal judge in Texas will be deciding on whether to outlaw an abortion pill, which could have far-reaching consequences for the...

4 Experts Available for Timely Analysis on Debt Ceiling Crisis

As the debt ceiling standoff continues, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) is releasing new budget projections today, which will provide insight on...
waste water

Member Spotlight: Two Different Perspectives, One Impactful OpEd

What do a sociologist and an engineer have in common? For professors Michael Haedicke and Jean MacRae , who study environmental pollutants from...
San Diego chapter

Chapter Spotlight: San Diego SSN Collaborates with Civic Organizations in Their City

“As advocates, we decided that working directly with academics to help engage in the design of experiments, as well as the dissemination of critical...
Voting Booth

Member Spotlight: Zoltan Hajnal’s Years-Long Push for On-Cycle Elections

“The easiest, most politically viable, and most effective way to expand turnout and make local democracy more representative is to shift the timing of...
Pride flag

4 Experts Available for Timely Analysis on Marriage Equality Bill

Yesterday the Senate advanced legislation aimed at protecting same-sex marriage, also known as the Respect for Marriage Act. The bill is on track to...

Chapter Spotlight: Confluence SSN Highlights State Election Changes

“Election rules keep changing. So there's always new things to try and explain to people,” David Kimball, Confluence SSN co-leader As voters all...
Supreme Court

4 Experts Available for Timely Analysis on SCOTUS Affirmative Action Cases

On Monday the Supreme Court will be hearing arguments for two cases that both challenge race-conscious admission policies at universities. For...
Voting booth

Local Experts Available for Timely Analysis on Key Midterm Races

With the midterm elections around the corner, local university-based experts are available to offer political commentary and analysis on elections in...