

Experts Available: Climate Change

In the lead up to the UN Climate Change Summit on September 23, 2019, over 2 50 news outlets have signed on to increase visibility and coverage of...

Scholar Spotlight: Leah Stokes

When Democratic candidates gathered to debate in 2012 and 2016, there were no direct questions about climate change. This week’s scholar spotlight...

'Green New Deal': Climate Change Explained By Experts

On June 26 and 27th, Democratic presidential hopefuls face their first debate on a national stage. While the debates will cover a broad range of...

2020 Presidential Candidate Debates: Issues Explained by Experts

With the debates on June 26th and 27th, the 2020 presidential election officially enters a new stage. As you prepare for your coverage of the debates...

Scholar Spotlight: Priya Shukla

Our Scholar Spotlight this week is Priya Shukla, a new member of the Scholars Strategy Network and the graduate fellow for the Sacramento chapter...

Scholar Spotlight: Elizabeth Matto

Youth voter turnout is consistently low, and research shows that faculty engagement can be one of the best ways to boost student engagement. This week...

Experts Available: Emissions Rollback

For journalists looking for expert sources on the Environmental Protection Agency's rollback of vehicle emission standards, these scholars are...

Scholar Spotlight: Anita Larson

This week, we are spotlighting another new member to the SSN team, Anita Larson. Anita applies her knowledge of the public sector to study and develop...

Scholar Spotlight: David Blatt

This week's Scholar Spotlight highlights David Blatt, who analyzed the recent primary elections in Oklahoma, where dozens of teachers won after...

40 Professionals Sign Letter Supporting MA Civics Education Bill

BOSTON, MA – A cohort of 40 professors and educators have signed a letter to support the passage of S.2375, one of the nation’s most innovative civic...