'Green New Deal': Climate Change Explained By Experts

Director of Communications

On June 26 and 27th, Democratic presidential hopefuls face their first debate on a national stage. While the debates will cover a broad range of issues, the Green New Deal is likely to be among them. As you prepare for your coverage of the debates and resulting policy discussions, the following scholars are available and prepared to comment on climate change reform. 

Environmental Reform

University of Michigan

Expert on system reform and consumer protections to ensure that households and communities have access to safe and affordable financial products and services.

University of California, Santa Barbara

Expert on climate policy inaction in the face of dramatic economic and social costs associated with the climate crisis. 

Colgate University

Expert on environmental and public policy, subnational sustainability and climate action planning, climate and energy politics, policy process theories, the role of science and technical information in policymaking, and issues of urban social equity.

New College of Florida

Expert on inequality by race, class and gender, and sustainable economics.

University of Rhode Island

Expert on climate change policy, identity politics, and climate change communications.

University of California, Santa Barbara

Expert on public policy and environmental politics, with a focus on environmental and energy policies in the United States and Canada.