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Christof Brandtner

Assistant Professor of Social Innovation, Emlyon Business School

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About Christof

Brandtner's research straddles topics in nonprofit and public organization. Substantively; he is interested in the expansion of rational; economic principles of organizing into fields where social and democratic values loom large. Theoretically; this work is grounded in economic sociology and sociological institutionalism; which understand organizations' behavior as co-evolving with their external social and cultural environment. 

Brandtner is also affiliated with the Stanford Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society and the Research Institute of Urban Management and Governance at WU Vienna; Austria. His work is supported by the National Science Foundation and the Institute for Research in the Social Sciences.


Why Public Transit Helps Young People Get Work

    Anna Lunn , Cristobal Young


"Putting the World in Orders: Plurality in Organizational Evaluation" Socio-Economic Review 35, no. 3 (2017): 200-227.

Proposes that the plurality of evaluative landscapes, that is, the universe of rankings, ratings, and awards in an organizational field, compromises the potential homogenizing influence of any single evaluative practice. 

"When Bureaucracy Meets the Crowd: Studying “Open Government” in the Vienna City Administration" (with Martin Kornberger, Renate E. Meyer, and Markus A. Höllerer). Organization Studies 38, no. 2 (2017): 179-200.

Presents insights on Open Government from a qualitative investigation into the City of Vienna, Austria.

"Spatial Mismatch and Youth Unemployment in US Cities: Public Transportation as a Labor Market Institution" (with Cristobal Young and Christof Brandtner). Socio-Economic Review (2017).

Tests whether better public transit services reduce youth unemployment. 

"Click and Mortar: Organizations on the Web" Research in Organizational Behavior 36 (2016): 101-120.

Develops three perspectives on websites from an organizational point of view: as identity projects, tools, and relational maps.