Laurie Rice Headshot

Laurie L. Rice

Professor of Political Science, Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville

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About Laurie

Rice’s research focuses on political communication, the presidency, elections, and civic engagement. Overarching themes in Rice’s work include how various forms of communications and actions shape political involvement and influence. Rice is co-author of the books The Political Voices of Generation Z and Web 2.0 and the Political Mobilization of College Students and co-editor of American Political Parties Under Pressure. Her work also appears in multiple journals. Rice serves on the Faculty Network for Student Voting Rights Steering Committee and coordinates the Civic Education Project at SIUE.


How Online Social Networking Helps Draw Young Americans into Political Participation

  • Kenneth W. Moffett

Midterm Malaise

In the News

Research discussed by Logan Cameron, in "Pair Studies Social Media's Impact on Election," The Intelligencer, October 21, 2016.
Opinion: "Lessons from Ferguson: Communication is Key," Laurie L. Rice (with Andrew Theising), St. Louis Post-Dispatch, September 15, 2015.
Opinion: "Why Child Development Accounts are Smart," Laurie L. Rice (with Andrew Theising), St. Louis Post-Dispatch, September 15, 2015.
Guest on Bloomberg Radio’s "The Hays Advantage", March 20, 2012.


"Campaign-Related Social Networking and the Political Participation of College Students" (with Kenneth W. Moffett and Ramana Madupalli). Social Science Computer Review 31, no. 3 (June 2013): 257-279.
Examines the political participation of college students and provides evidence that joining online social networks that are political in nature helps broaden who participates and can encourage other more traditional forms of civic engagement.
"Cable and the Partisan Polarization of the President’s Audience" (with Samuel Kernell). Presidential Studies Quarterly 41, no. 4 (2011): 693-711.
Finds that presidents’ shrinking audience for national televised addresses occurs disproportionately among those presidents most need to persuade – those who disapprove of the president’s job performance. As a result, presidents find themselves losing the capacity to influence public opinion as a whole and instead preach to their party choir.
"Statements of Power: Presidential Use of Statements of Administration Policy and Signing Statements in the Legislative Process" Presidential Studies Quarterly 40, no. 4 (2010): 686-707.
Finds that presidents blindside Congress through assertions in signing statements about how they interpret and intend to implement laws in signing statements issued as they sign bills into laws more often than they attempt to bargain with Congress by raising their concerns earlier in the legislative process through Statements of Administration Policy.