
Mimi Zieman

Author, Managing Contraception, Emory University
Chapter Member: Georgia SSN

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About Mimi

Zieman's research focus is in contraception and abortion. She is the author of Managing Contraception and has served on the CDC committee creating contraceptive guidance for the U.S. She is the former editor of Familty Planning for, a global contraceptive consultant and current Board Chair, Reproductive Justice for National Council of Jewish Women, Atlanta. She previously served on the Board of Feminist Women's Helath Center of Atlanta

In the News

Opinion: "RBG’s Legacy Is a Call to Pursue Justice," Mimi Zieman, Opinion | Community, The Jewish Times, September 17, 2021.
Opinion: "Appreciating Humanity in the Vaccine Clinic," Mimi Zieman, Opinion, The Atlanta Journal Constitution, February 18, 2021.
Quoted by Dave Schechter in "Jewish Law and Abortion," Local News/Community, The Jewish Times, June 19, 2019.
Quoted by WSAV in "Georgia Senate Passes ‘Heartbeat’ Abortion Ban," CBS17.COM, March 22, 2019.
Quoted by Sunjay Gupta in "New Contraceptive Methods for Women," Obstetrics and Gynecology, September 27, 2007.
Guest on Weekend House Call, September 9, 2003.


"Initiation of Oral Contraceptives Using a Quick Start Compared With a Conventional Start: A Randomized Controlled Trial" (with Carolyn Westhoff, Stephen Heartwell, Sharon Edwards, Christina Robilotto, Gretchen Stuart, Chelsea Morroni, and Debra Kalmuss). Obstetrics and Gynecology 109, no. 6 (2007): 1270-6.

Demonstrates that the quick start method of providing birth control pills is feasible and acceptable.

"Contraceptive Efficacy and Cycle Control With the Ortho Evra/Evra Transdermal System: The Analysis of Pooled Data" Fertility and Sterility 77 (2002).

Demonstrates increased contraceptive failures in overweight users.

"Copper T 380A IUD and Magnetic Resonance Imaging" (with Emanuel Kanal). Contraception 75, no. 2 (2006): 93-5.

Addresses concerns about women who have implanted or in situ medical devices undergoing magnetic resonance (MR) imaging engender the need for testing. 

"Body Mass Index and Risk for Oral Contraceptive Failure: A Case-Cohort Study in South Carolina" (with Larissa R Brunner Huber, Carol J Hogue, Aryeh D Stein, and Carolyn Drews). Annals of Epidemiology 16, no. 8 (2006): 637-43.

Suggests that obesity is associated with an increased risk for oral contraceptive (OC) failure. Conducts a case-cohort study in South Carolina to examine the association between body mass index (BMI) and OC failure by using population-based data sources.

"Safety Concerns and Health Benefits Associated With Oral Contraception" (with Ronald Burkman and James J Schlesselman). American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (2004).
Discusses safety concerns and health benefits of oral contraception. Mentions that neoplastic effects of hormonal contraceptives have been extensively studied, and recent meta-analyses indicate that there is a reduction in the risk of endometrial and ovarian cancer, a possible small increase in the risk for breast and cervical cancer, and an increased risk of liver cancer. Finds many women will experience noncontraceptive health benefits with OCs that expand far beyond pregnancy prevention.
"Absorption Kinetics of Misoprostol With Oral or Vaginal Administration" (with S K Fong, , N L Benowitz, D Banskter, and P D Darney). Obstetrics and Gynecology 90, no. 1 (1997): 188-92.

Examines the pharmacokinetics of a non-oral route of administration for misoprostol, now the mainstay of medication abortion