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Roy Brillantes Taggueg

PhD Candidate in Sociology, University of California, Davis
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About Roy

Taggueg's research focuses on legal status within the frameworks of migration and health. In partnership with the UC Davis Bulosan Center for Filipinx Studies and Migrante Napa-Solano (a community organization in Vallejo, CA), Taggueg analyzes the issues facing undocumented migrant Filipinx worker diaspora in Northern California. Taggueg is also a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health Policy Research Scholar.


How to Address California's Growing Crises of Housing and Homelessness

  • Katherine Nasol

In the News

Opinion: "California’s New Renters’ Protection Act Reflects Tenants’ Power," Roy Brillantes Taggueg (with Katherine Nasol), CALmatters, November 14, 2019.


"Public Scholarship in a Time of Crisis: A Reflection" (with Mayra Sánchez Barba and S. Alana Haynes Stein). Public: A Journal of Imagining America 5, no. 1 (2018).