
Susan Franceschet

Professor of Political Science, University of Calgary
Areas of Expertise:

About Susan

Franceschet’s research focuses on women and politics, gender quotas in comparative perspective, and gender and public policy.


Evolving Norms and the Demand for Equal Female Inclusion in Governing Cabinets

    Karen Beckwith
  • Claire Annesley

In the News

Opinion: "Spain's Majority-Female Cabinet Embodies Women's Global Rise to Power," Susan Franceschet (with Karen Beckwith), The Conversation, July 13, 2018.
Opinion: "There are Three Rules of Cabinet Appointments. Will Donald Trump Break Them?," Susan Franceschet (with Claire Annesley and Karen Beckwith), The Washington Post, November 25, 2016.
Opinion: "What is ‘Merit’ Anyway? On Using Gender Quotas in Cabinet Appointments," Susan Franceschet (with Claire Annesley and Karen Beckwith), PSA Women and Politics Blog, November 5, 2015.
Quoted by Aili Mari Tripp and Alice Kang in "Twenty Years after the Most Important U.N. Conference on Women, What - if Anything - Has Changed?," The Washington Post, September 25, 2015.
Quoted by Lisa Kassenaar in "Feminist Trudeau Names Women to Half of Posts in New Cabinet," Bloomberg, November 5, 2014.


"What Do Women Symbolize? Symbolic Representation and Cabinet Appointments" (with Claire Annesley and Karen Beckwith). Politics, Groups, and Identities 5, no. 3 (2017): 488-493.

Shows how the concept of symbolic representation sheds light on the representative dimensions of cabinets, arguing that leaders follow informal rules about which groups, including women, must be included in cabinets.

Comparative Public Policy in Latin America (University of Toronto Press, 2012).

Refines current theories to suit Latin America’s contemporary institutional and socio-economic realities. Identifies the features of the region that shape public policy, including informal norms and practices, social inequality, and weak institutions.

"Women and Politics in Chile" (Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2005).

Traces women's political activism in Chile - from the early twentieth century struggles for suffrage to current efforts to expand and deepen the practice of democracy. 

The Impact of Gender Quotas (Oxford University Press, 2012).

Examines the impact of gender quotas across descriptive, substantive and symbolic dimensions of representation. Uses case studies from twelve countries to build broad theories about gender quotas and women's representation.