Wesley Longhofer

Wesley Longhofer

Assistant Professor of Organization and Management, Emory University

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About Wesley

Longhofer’s research examines the global and organizational dimensions of philanthropic activity, civic engagement, globalization, and environmental policy reform. He is also the Executive Academic Director of The Roberto C. Goizueta Business & Society Institute. His research includes a global study of philanthropic foundations, a comparative analysis of participation in charitable organizations, a collaborative study on the organizational dynamics of climate change, and a number of papers on child rights, international aid, and environmental policies.


Targeting Extreme Polluters to Reduce Carbon Emissions from the Electricity Sector

  • Don Grant
  • Andrew K. Jorgenson


"When Do Laws Matters? National Minimum-Age-of-Marriage Laws, Child Rights, and Adolescent Fertility, 1989-2007" (with Minzee Kim, Elizabeth H. Boyle, and Hollie Nyseth). Law & Society Review (forthcoming).
Shows that national laws strictly adhering to global standards regarding the minimum age to marry significantly reduce births among teenagers.
"The Structural Sources of Association" (with Evan Schofer). American Journal of Sociology 117, no. 2 (2011): 539-585.
Finds that the tremendous growth in voluntary associations across the globe in recent years can be attributed to structural factors, such as the expansion of the modern state and the activities of international organizations.
"National and Global Origins of Environmental Association" (with Evan Schofer). American Sociological Review 71, no. 4 (2010): 505-533.
Examines the roots of environmental organizing around the globe, finding that international organizations play an important role in encouraging and supporting domestic environmental activity, particularly in the developing world.
"World Society, NGOs, and Environmental Policy Reform in Asia" (with David John Frank and Evan Schofer). International Journal of Comparative Sociology 48, no. 4 (2007): 275-295.
Demonstrates how international institutions were instrumental in the adoption of environmental policies in Asia, oftentimes more so than domestic organizations.