
higher ed

Experts Available: Affirmative Action

The US district court in Massachusetts just handed down its decision in the case regarding alleged discrimination against Asian-Americans in Harvard's...

Experts Available: GM Strike

This week, nearly 50,000 General Motors (GM) employees across the country walked out after GM and the United Auto Workers (UAW) union failed to...

Scholar Spotlight: Darrick Hamilton

This week’s scholar spotlight highlights Darrick Hamilton, whose work on stratification economics has inspired Democratic presidential hopefuls Sen...

Scholar Spotlight: Anna Gassman-Pines and Liz Ananat

This week’s Scholar Spotlight highlights Anna Gassman-Pines and Liz Ananat, whose work on paid family leave in North Carolina led to a legislative...

Scholar Spotlight: Phillip Atiba Goff

This week's Scholar Spotlight is Phillip Atiba Goff, whose organization, the Center for Policing Equity, is now part of the Audacious Project through...

Experts Available: Paycheck Fairness Act

The House is voting on the Paycheck Fairness Act today, and if you're looking for expert commentary on the gender pay gap for your coverage, these...
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SSN’s 500th Member Focuses on the Roots of U.S. Urban Unrest

What do the continuing protests in Ferguson, Missouri have in common with the 1960s uprisings in many U.S. cities? Howard looks to history to explore...
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SSN Forum on Support for America's Working Women

America’s women workers are vital contributors to the national economy – and to family budgets. But most struggle with inadequate pay, unpredictable...
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The Future of American Jobs

Better jobs and more productive workers are the key to a brighter future for the U.S. economy. In a series of compelling briefs, reports, and media...
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On Its Jobs Report Card for 2013, the U.S. Economy Gets a Gentleman's "C"

In 2013, the topline U.S. unemployment rate went down. But most new jobs pay low wages and openings are not keeping up with population growth. Labor...