
University of Florida

New Member Spotlight: Rebecca Newman Speaks Out About Academic Suppression in Florida

As a longtime Florida resident, Professor Rebecca Newman has witnessed the political winds change in the Sunshine State. Over the last few years, that...
College campus

New Member Spotlight: Roy Chan on Improving Free College Programs

“Tuition-free programs must remain accessible and affordable for all types of students and should be designed with a promise to reduce the national...
College campus

New Member Spotlight: Lara Perez-Felkner Tackles Inequality in STEM Education

“In order to best support STEM students, and especially, to help underserved students thrive in these programs and open the door for high-paying...
Judge with gavel

New Member Spotlight: Sally Kenney Highlights Gender Inequality in Courts

“ Without a judiciary as diverse as the country it judges, litigants cannot help but question the quality of justice as they stand before a bench that...
District Court House

SSN Members Engage the Judiciary

Beyond connecting directly with legislators, one crucial way to inform policy is via the judiciary. Over the last few months, two SSN members have...

Scholar Spotlight: Heath Brown

This week's Scholar Spotlight is Heath Brown, who hosted a Birthright Citizenship discussion at the Tenement Museum last month. This NYC Chapter event...

Scholar Spotlight: Carolyn Sufrin

There are thousands of pregnant incarcerated women every year - yet until now, there was no systematic report on this population. Carolyn Sufrin's...

Scholar Spotlight: Nyla Ali Khan

This week's scholar spotlight is Nyla Ali Khan, who was recently appointed as Commissioner on the Oklahoma Commission on the Status of Women. The...

Scholar Spotlight: Caitlyn Collins

This week's spotlight shines on Caitlyn Collins, whose new book about working mothers in America has caught the attention of the media. In “Making...
gender in politics

Scholar Spotlight: Malliga Och

This week, we're highlighting Malliga Och, an assistant professor at Idaho State University who studies women in conservative parties and methods to...