

2 Experts Available for Timely Analysis on SCOTUS Immigration Case

This month the Supreme Court is set to rule on United States v. Texas, an immigration case that challenges the Biden Administration's policy for...
border patrol

5 Experts Available for Timely Analysis on Immigration Debate

The immigration debate has taken center stage in Washington DC yet again: the Trump-era health order known as Title 42 — which allowed US border...

3 Experts Available for Timely Analysis on SCOTUS Immigration Case

On Tuesday, the Supreme Court will be hearing United States v. Texas, an immigration case that challenges the Biden Administration's policy for...
worker on tracks

2 Experts Available for Timely Analysis on Rail Worker Negotiations

Though a tentative deal was reached between railroad executives and labor unions overnight, likely avoiding a strike, this story once again brought...
border patrol

3 Experts Available for Timely Analysis on Biden v. Texas

The Supreme Court is expected to make a decision on Biden v. Texas this Thursday, which will determine whether federal immigration law requires the...
Border patrol, migrants

3 Experts Available for Timely Analysis on Immigration Debate

The immigration debate has taken center stage in Washington DC yet again: this week the Supreme Court will be hearing arguments in Biden v. Texas...

5 Experts Available For Timely Analysis On Union Activity and Strikes

As "Striketober" continues for another week, the following list of university-based researchers studying unions and labor are available to be contact...
Afghanistan and United States

Experts Available: Taliban Takeover in Afghanistan and Developing Refugee Crisis

As the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan continues to dominate news headlines, lots of questions are being asked: to what degree is the United States...
US Congress Building

Experts Available: Democrats' $3.5 Trillion Reconciliation Package

This week, Democrats unveiled the details of their $3.5 trillion reconciliation package. As it stands, this massive package includes many of the Biden...

Experts Available: Biden's American Jobs Plan and American Families Plan

With the COVID-19 relieve bill behind him, Biden is moving forward with two bold proposals to reshape the American economy. The first proposal, the...