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About Gustavo
García-López's action-research centers on the intersections between social movements and self-organized collective action initiatives that seek to advance social justice and ecological sustainability. Overarching themes in García-López's writings includes the commons and commoning, environmental/energy/climate justice, just recovery and just transitions, and decolonization. He serves in various collaborative initiatives, including the Climate Justice Network, JunteGente, and the Undisciplined Environments political ecology blog.
How Inequality and Politics Influence Government Responses to Natural Disasters
In the News
FInds that communities with ties to the ruling party elicit greater government responsiveness while socially vulnerable communities are less likely to be prioritized during the disaster relief efforts, controlling for disaster damage as well as logistical, economic, and essential service recovery priorities.
Organizes and synthesizes empirical lessons from the emerging body of literature connecting commons initiatives and social movements. Also highlights recent theoretical efforts made by scholars to both bridge and transcend the gap between the theory of the commons and social movement theory.
Mobilises a commons lens to understand environmental labour issues in ongoing struggles for post-capitalist socioecological transformations. Drawing on the ‘working-class community ecologies’ framework, grounded in climate justice and just transition movements in Puerto Rico, it argues that a commons lens is central to expanding the conception of working class resistance and alternatives