
Paul Gronke

Director of Elections & Voting Information Center, Reed College
Chapter Member: Oregon SSN
Areas of Expertise:

About Paul

Gronke has worked to ensure voting access, voting rights, and safe, secure, and accessible elections. He's partnered with local, state, and federal governments; non-profits and foundations; and voting rights litigators. He has expertise in election and data science, survey methods, social science methods, and research design.


In the News


"How Elections Under COVID-19 May Change the Political Engagement of Older Voters" (with Paul Manson and Canyon Foot). Public Policy Aging Rep 30, no. 4 (2020): 147–153.

Explores voting patterns under COVID-19 and how the risk profile faced by older Americans may alter turnout and civic engagement by this segment of the population.

"Framing Automatic Voter Registration: Partisanship and Public Understanding of Automatic Voter Registration: Part of Special Symposium on Election Sciences" (with Christopher B. Mann and Natalie Adona). American Politics Research 48, no. 6 (2020).

Examines different partisan responses to automatic voter registration, based on partisan and policy frames. Uses survey experimental methods to explore causal impacts.

"Early Voting in America: Public Usage and Public Support" (with Peter Miller) in Ben Griffith (ed), America Votes! , (Cleveland OH, Lachina Publishing, 2019), 215-232.

Explores the historical roots and current usage of early voting (early in-person, absentee, by mail) in the United States, and examines the legal and policy issues raised by this change in the way that Americans cast their ballots.

Stewards of Democracy: The Views of American Local Election Officials (with Natalie Adona, Paul Manson, and Sarah Cole )., Democracy Fund 2019-06-26.

Reports on innovative survey of local elections officials in the United States, exploring career trajectories, demographic profiles, policy attitudes, and readiness for administering safe, secure, and accessible elections.

"10 - Voter Confidence as a Metric of Election Performance" in The Measure of American Election, edited by Barry C. Burden and Charles Stewart, III, ( Cambridge University Press, 2015), 248 - 270.

Examines the emergence of the term, how it has been measured in surveys, and argues that it is not at present a sufficiently well understood concept to be used as a metric to evaluate election performance by state and local officials.