
Zein Murib

Associate Professor of Political Science, Fordham University
Chapter Member: New York City SSN
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About Zein

Murib's research focuses on sexuality, gender, and race in US politics. Murib's academic publications include work on transgender politics, LGBT politics, and intersectionality.

In the News

Opinion: "Biden Reversed Trump Ban on Transgender People Serving in Military. Expect Backlash in States.," Zein Murib, The Washington Post, February 3, 2021.
Opinion: "The ‘Trump Pride’ Rally Won’t Win Over LGBTQ Voters. So Why Hold It?," Zein Murib (with Phillip M. Ayoub, Gabriele Magni, and Stuart Turnbull-Dugarte), The Washington Post, October 27, 2020.
Opinion: "A New Kind of Anti-Trans Legislation Is Hitting the Red States," Zein Murib, The Washington Post, February 25, 2020.


"Gay” or “Homosexual”? The Implications of Social Category Labels for the Structure of Mass Attitudes" (with Matthew Motta and Brianna A. Smith). American Politics Research 46, no. 2 (2018).

Uses American National Election Study and General Social Survey data to examine how question wording shapes responses given about rights for marginalized groups. Focuses on using gay/lesbian versus homosexual and finds that the latter results in less support for gay and lesbian rights.

"Unsettling the GLBT andQueer Coalitions in US Politics Through the Lens of Queer Indigenous Critique" New Political Science 40, no. 1 (2018): 165-176.

Draws on critiques put forth by Queer Indigenous activists and scholars to question the tendency to include ever more “diverse” groups in the GLBT and Queer coalitions. Uses the archived transcripts of the National Policy Roundtables and shows how the construction of the LGBT coalition relied upon excluding consideration for LGBT people of color and LGBT Native people.

"Trumpism, Citizenship, and the Future of the LGBTQ Movement" Politics and Gender 14 (2018): 649-672.

Explains the Trump administration's outreach to LGBT voters even while it worked to roll back LGBT rights.  Argues that voicing support for LGBT Americans is used to advance an America-first narrative that poses the unique acceptance of LGBT citizens in contrast to lack of sexual and gender rights in predominantly Muslim countries.

"Transgender: Examining an Emerging Political Identity Using Three Political Processes" Politics, Groups, and Identities 3, no. 3 (2015): 381-397 .

Examines the history of transgender political identity development and introduces an analytic framework for understanding political identity construction.