

4 Experts Available for Timely Analysis of Biden State of the Union Housing Proposal

During his State of the Union address, President Biden unveiled a new policy proposal to provide $5000 tax credits to first-time home buyers, as well...
Row of Houses

Todd Swanstrom Works to Address the Need for Home Repairs in St. Louis and Beyond

"The research completed by Professor Swanstrom and his team allowed the Home Repair Network to jumpstart a lot of the work that we aim to do over the...
Climate seminar

4 Experts Available for Timely Analysis on International Climate Summit

With COP28 (the annual international climate summit convened by the United Nations) kicking off in a few days, all eyes are on the climate crisis and...
Farmers Market

New Member Spotlight: Saria Lofton Advocates for Food is Medicine Programs in Illinois

The Scholars Strategy Network is thrilled to spotlight a new and dedicated member of the network, Professor Saria Lofton. As an Assistant Professor of...
Supreme Court

2 Experts Available for Timely Analysis of SCOTUS CFPB Case

Today the U.S. Supreme Court heard a case – Consumer Financial Protection Bureau v. Community Financial Services Association of America, Limited – in...
prescription drugs

1 Expert Available for Timely Analysis on Prescription Drug Price Negotiations

Today the Biden administration released a list of 10 expensive prescription drugs chosen for Medicare price negotiations with pharmaceutical...

4 Experts Available for Timely Analysis on EPA Wetlands Rule

To comply with the Supreme Court's recent Sackett decision, the EPA issued a final rule that could strip protections from a large portion of America's...
White House

New Member Spotlight: Niki vonLockette Builds Relationships at White House Event

The core of the Scholars Strategy Network’s mission is helping researchers connect and build relationships with policymakers, civic leaders, and the...
Supreme Court

4 Experts Available for Timely Analysis on SCOTUS Student Debt Cases

Today the Supreme Court struck down on the Biden Administration's student loan forgiveness plan after hearing two cases dealing with the initiative...

3 Experts Available for Timely Analysis on SCOTUS Affirmative Action Cases

Today the Supreme Court banned the consideration of race in college admissions. For reporters covering the Court's ruling on these affirmative action...