Speakers: Breakout Sessions #2

Breakout Session: Lessons from Abortion Researchers on Public Engagement in Restrictive Environments


Facilitator: Tracy Weitz

American University

Weitz is a sociologist and Director of the Center on Health, Risk, and Society at American University and a Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress. She has been the U.S. Programs Director at the Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation and co-founded UCSF's Advancing New Standards in Reproductive Health research program.


Clare Daniel

Newcomb Institute

Daniel is a Senior Professor of Practice and Director of Research at the Newcomb Institute at Tulane University. Her research focuses on reproductive rights and the politics of teen pregnancy. Daniel's commitment to advancing reproductive rights is reflected in her numerous publications and her active role in community-based advocacy.


Rep. Anna Eskamani

Florida State House Representative, District 42

Eskamani is a dynamic and influential voice in the Florida State House 42, known for her staunch advocacy for reproductive rights. She is currently pursuing her PhD in Public Affairs at the University of Central Florida, showcasing her commitment to academic excellence and public service.


Tamika C. Odum

University of Cincinnati

Odum is a prominent sociologist at the University of Cincinnati, where she focuses on reproductive justice, social inequalities, and health disparities. Her research sheds light on the lived experiences of marginalized populations and the systemic barriers they face in accessing reproductive healthcare.

Breakout Session: Housing, Immigration, and Community-Centered Chapter Projects


Facilitator: Andrea Benjamin

The University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma SSN

Benjamin is an Associate Professor in the Clara Lupa Department of African & African American Studies at the University of Oklahoma and co-leader of the Oklahoma SSN chapter. She is currently working on a project on coalitions, electoral representation, and policy representation in local politics.


Brian Adams

San Diego State University, San Diego SSN

Adams is Professor of Political Science at San Diego State University and co-leader of the San Diego SSN chapter. His research explores why local governments, small jurisdictions that should be “closer to the people,” do not live up to their democratic potential.


Elizabeth Aranda

University of South Florida, Florida SSN

Aranda is Professor of Sociology at the University of South Florida and co-leader of the Florida SSN chapter. She co-founded the Im/migrant Well-Being Scholar Collaborative, a network of researchers, centers, and institutes working together to translate research on the lived experiences of im/migrants and their communities to inform policy.


Angie Bautista-Chavez

Arizona State University

Bautista-Chavez is an Assistant Professor in the School of Politics and Global Studies at Arizona State University. In her book project, Exporting Borders, she examines the international arm of U.S. immigration and border enforcement. Her Latinx Organizational Archives Project examines the organizational terrain of U.S. Latinx politics.


Derek Hyra

American University

Hyra is Professor of Public Administration and Policy and founding director of the Metropolitan Policy Center at American University. A national expert on gentrification, housing, race, and urban politics, he regularly contributes to national urban policy conversations. His latest book, Slow and Sudden Violence (UC Press), comes out in August.


Ken Kolb

Furman University, South Carolina SSN

Kolb is Professor and Chair of Sociology at Furman University and leader of the South Carolina SSN chapter. A community-based researcher and public policy scholar, he is an expert on social inequality, community development, and pragmatic solutions to persistent social problems.


Dara Lind

American Immigration Council

Lind is a Senior Fellow at the American Immigration Council, where she works to help the public better understand immigration policy. Before joining the council, she was one of the most trusted and respected immigration reporters in the country, first at Vox, where she also co-hosted the policy podcast The Weeds, and then at ProPublica.


Stacey Livingstone

University of California San Diego

Livingstone is a postdoctoral research fellow with the Homeless Hub at UC San Diego, where she earned her PhD in Sociology in 2023. A community-engaged researcher, she focuses on issues of homelessness and housing, particularly the connections between homelessness, housing policy, and health.


Brian McCabe

Georgetown University, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

McCabe is the Provost’s Distinguished Associate Professor of Sociology at Georgetown University and Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy Development at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (2022-2024). Through his research and scholarship, he seeks to understand social inequality in American cities.


Elizabeth Vaquera

George Washington University

Vaquera is Associate Professor of Sociology and Public Policy and Director of the Cisneros Hispanic Leadership Institute at George Washington University. She serves as Founding Co-Chair (with Elizabeth Aranda) of the Im/migrant Well-Being Scholar Collaborative.

Breakout Session: Improving Federal Education Policy Through Scholarly Collaboration


Facilitator: Marisa Goldstein

Office of the Deputy Mayor of Education, DC

Goldstein is the Associate Director of Legislative and Governmental Affairs in the Office of the Deputy Mayor of Education, DC, where she works on policy issues and liaises with the DC Council and executive agencies. Previously, she was a Senior Research Officer at the Student Experience Research Network.


Sarah Groh

Office of Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley

Groh is the Chief of Staff to Representative Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts. In this role, she leads policy, strategy, and day-to-day management of the office. Her policy portfolio includes education, disability justice, abortion rights, and more. Previously, Groh served as Pressley's campaign manager.


Jordan Matsudaira

U.S. Department of Education

Matsudaira is the Deputy Under Secretary and inaugural Chief Economist of the U.S. Department of Education. Previously, he served on President Obama's Council of Economic Advisers as Chief Economist. He is currently on leave from Teachers College, Columbia University where he is an Associate Professor of Economics and Education Policy.


Stacey Pelika

Education Policy and Implementation Center, National Education Association

Pelika is the Director of Research at the Education Policy and Implementation Center at the National Education Association. In this role, she conducts research to inform NEA strategy and lift up educators’ voices. She also oversees how NEA uses research to advocate for safe, just, and excellent public schools for all students.