Health Equity Scholars Program 2021

In 2021, the Scholars Strategy Network, supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, debuted the Health Equity Scholar Program. This program kicked off a year of ongoing professional development and public engagement support for emerging scholars studying social determinants of health. Learn more about the 2021 cohort of scholars and their research interests below.

The Need

With the rising need of evidence based policy to inform and help create holistically healthy communities, there is a strong demand for health equity scholars’ expertise and community specific perspectives. To meet this moment, the Health Equity Scholars Program has recruited a cohort of early-career scholars based on recommendations from established senior researchers in the health equity field. These cohort members, who hail from across the country, are conducting important research that seeks to improve the wellbeing of their communities and have a strong desire to translate their findings for public policy audiences.

Program Overview

Our program is designed to share insights and strategies for conducting and disseminating rigorous and actionable research on public health. The program includes a mid-year convening, group activities, and one-on-one support that aims to equip cohort members with the tools and skills to share their findings with policy stakeholders, develop professionally, and build critical relationships with their peers. 


Through our trainings and one-on-one coaching sessions, cohort members in the Health Equity Scholars Program will have the tools to:

  • Successfully communicate research findings to audiences outside of academia
  • Identify, engage, and build relationships with target policymakers and community organizations to improve the likelihood that research is used in the policy process
  • Communicate research findings through the media
  • Incorporate a community-centered and equity-focused approach to their research
  • Develop strategies for successful grant applications
  • Balance professional development goals with time spent on public engagement

Meet the Health Equity Scholars Program 2021 Cohort Members

New York University, Grossman School of Medicine
Emory University
New York University, Grossman School of Medicine
Washington University in St. Louis
Cornell University
Syracuse University
University of Nebraska at Omaha
St Catherine University
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Naval Postgraduate School
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Rollins College
University of Kentucky
New York University, Grossman School of Medicine
University of Chicago
University of Houston
Providence College
The University of Houston
Boston University
Stanford University
University of California, Los Angeles
University of New Mexico-Main Campus
Carnegie Mellon University
Portland State University
Arizona State University - Tempe
Indiana University, Bloomington