Money in Politics Explained by Experts

Director of Communications

On June 26 and 27th, Democratic presidential hopefuls face their first debate on a national stage. While the debates will cover a broad range of issues, money in politics is likely to be among them. As you prepare for your coverage of the debates and resulting policy discussions, the following scholars are available and prepared to comment on money in politics. 

Money in Politics

Stanford University

Expert on ideology, campaign finance and interest groups politics.

Duke University

Expert on the influence of legislators’ backgrounds on economic policy and inequalities of social class.

Stony Brook University

Expert on America's campaign finance system and political inequality.


Expert on party politics and dark money.

Yale University

Expert on the role of donor access and money on voter persuasion.

Expert on money in politics in federal and state elections.

Barnard College

Expert on campaign finance, election administration, and voting behavior.

Expert on campaign finance law and money in politics in both state and federal elections.

University of Colorado Boulder

Expert on campaign finance, voting rights, and election administration cases in the courts. 

Stetson University College of Law

Expert on money in politics, strengthening election laws, and improving corporate governance.

Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus

Expert on interest group influence in the policy process, money in politics, and the politics of income inequality.